
Dream interpretation, please?

by  |  earlier

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I keep having dreams that have me back in high school (I graduated 10 years ago). I'm always back in my senior year and wondering why I have to go to school, as I know even in my dreams that I already graduated. I'm never wanting to go and I get really paranoid about it. This dream alternates between being back in high school and being back in Air Force basic training (which I was also in about 5 years ago). Why would I keep dreaming that I'm in these situations?




  1. Hi there,

    Just my guessing...

    Having dreams about going back to school usually means that there are some things in life which you need to learn..some basics things in life which you have yet to learn...

    You can check-out this website too..But it may not be 100% accurate.

  2. Maybe those days in high school left a deep impression in your heart.

    Oh and please help me understand my dream:

  3. Maybe, subconsciensly, you forgot to do something way back then. Maybe your dreams are telling you to go back to school (College)  

  4. Truth seeker,

    I come across these types of dreams often, when the dreamer revisits a certain point or event in their past over and over its actually quite common. The reason you are dreaming about these past events is because u have some unfinished business, or something was left unsaid, perhaps u are subconsciously wishing u could go back to this point in your life and do something differently.

    life is like a train ride, if u are constantly looking back out of the window u miss whats ahead of you and if you are looking at whats ahead of you, then you miss opportunities that a currently happening. You must live in the here and now and forget your past, whats done is done.!!  Be true to yourself and the rest will fall into place.

  5. Maybe you wonder why you went to school if the knowledge you learned you aren't using. Have you ever considered that because you go back and wonder why you have to go?

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