
Dream interpretation: Can anyone shed some light on this recurring theme

by Guest63809  |  earlier

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I keep finding myself on the toilet and realise there is no toilet paper, or the toilet walls disappear leaving the toilet in the open. I also just keep on pooing, it keeps on going.

Whats that all about? its recurred for years and years.




  1. I think you may have a problem with new situations. You want to try new things and are pleased when new opportunities arise, but you always question and doubt whether you should burn your bridges and try new ground, just incase it doesn't work. I think you often feel vulnerable when faced with something new and unkown and the dream is probably telling you to have faith in yourself and forget what you see as past errors in judgement. Making no choice is a choice in itself, to stay stuck where we are. There is possibly an element of ' well if I leave it long enough it will sort itself out' That can be true, but if the content of your dreams means what I think then the situations you are trying to avoid facing won't sort themselves.  

  2. try not to think about it.  

  3. It sounds like - not that the bottom is falling out of your world but the world is falling out of your bottom.

  4. You are clearly not comfortable. That is what this dream is about. It is a small nightmare that only focuses on how uncomfortable you feel.

    There probably is a reason for that but that you will have to find out yourself. That it actually has to do with bowel movement is unlikely.

  5. Insecurity...

    poo poo humour.

  6. You need to poo. lol

  7. Largely what 'Nina C' says, except I think you might also have a wish for some creativity-poo is, after all, the very first thing a youngster will creatively 'produce'. Perhaps you dread your creativity being exposed to the world, fearing the failure and punishment from authority figures that a youngster gets when he 'does a big 'un' in his pants-but your unconscious is telling you to give it a go anyway.

    sounds like a pretty **** dream. (Boom-boom).

  8. it just means your full of shiet!

  9. funny...

    try and control it, see what happens. be creative... i have the ability to make choices in my dreams, so try it out.

  10. you should try not to go to bed when u have to p**p.

  11. The dream is pretty self-explanatory--you're stuck in a rut.

    According to Freudian psychology, you have an anal fixation

         * The Anal retentive personality is stingy, with a compulsive seeking of order and tidiness. The person is generally stubborn and perfectionist.

        * The Anal expulsive personality is an opposite of the Anal retentive personality, and has a lack of self control, being generally messy and careless.

    Your privacy settings and answer output indicate that you are anal retentive.  Your subconscious is prodding you to break out of your shell and live a little.

    "Cast your bread upon the waters!"

  12. You have an itchy butt because you didn't wipe well?


    sorry, I dont know. XD

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