
Dream interpretation about ex boyfriend?

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So here's the backstory on my current situation.

-My ex boyfriend told me a few days ago that he has started seeing someone else but that it probably won't lead to anything. He also said it wasn't serious but that his feelings for her were stronger than hers. I broke my heart because I wanted to talk to him about getting back together but when I asked him he chose her. He said he's really confused and misses me and wants to always be in my life but he chose her over me.

Now onto the dream I had about us last night...

-I had a dream last night that he and I were in a large store and we kept getting separated so eventually I just left w/out him. Then I was driving down a road next to a ski resort we used to go to which made me sad and miss him and looked behind me and he was trying to catch up to me. He finally caught up to me and that's when I woke up.

I'm really confused as to what this dream is trying to tell me.

What do you think? We were together almost 3 years Aug. 5.




  1. You just explained your own dream. Dreams help us sort out and understand things that our conscious minds can't or won't understand. In your dream, when you were at the store and getting separated and you left alone, your mind was accepting that the relationship was over. When you were reminiscing about the years with your boyfriend by going to places the two of you used to go, it  made you sad. Seeing him behind you and him catching up to you, was you mind's way of saying that maybe he will find out that he doesn't want her but wants you. This is probably wishful thinking or hoping things will change back so that he is with you.

    I think that if he does come back to you, you should really think about it before you take him back. If he does this to you one time, then he will do it again.

    I know it hurts but you will get over him.

  2. dreams almost always have to do with the day before and just remember the 1/2 of your brain  that enforces logic is asleep but I think it means you miss him and he misses you a little 2.

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