
Dream interpretation/analysis?

by  |  earlier

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Last night i had a weird dream. I'll tell you to the best of my memory.

Ok i was sent to confront a ghost at an old house i was (am) familiar with. I travelled by bus and i had a wand type devise(this was my free travel pass).

When i got there a group of girls were having a sleep over i knew thse girls (in realty) the were younger in dream. When i went into the room where this spirit was supposed to be i could see its energy in the room.

However i got tempted by a shoe sale. The shoes were patent and bright, pink, purple or orange. A girl in front had taken the pair i wanted (pink boots) so i had to settle for the purple. I wasnt best pleased as i was thinking ooooh but the pink ones are much sexier.

Anyway next thing i know a woman who my mum works with (in reality she doesnt exist)...made a comment about my shoes and laughed at me so i gave her a piece of my mind..e.g who the h**l do you think you are you ugly cow. She made a comment about my indian hair..etc etc

My mum then pulled me away and thats all i remember....but it felt as though the spirit was still there just watching what was going on.

Wheni got into the parti




  1. Maybe the spirit became the woman - she [it] sure acted like an evil spirit.

    However, take care not to be jealous of others. Jealousy is also from the evil spirit, so, you don't like the evil, so, stay far from jealousy.

    - Jealousy typically refers to the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that occur when a person believes a valued item or relationship is being threatened by a rival. This rival may or may not know that he or she is perceived as a threat.

    You WIN against the evil spirit by defeating his purposes. He wants you to be jealous, don't be. If you want the pink boots, go get some, but don't be "jealous" - because then the evil will win.

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