
Dream interpretation needed about dreams that I had about people in my past that didn't see eye 2 eye with me.

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Please, your help is sincerely appreciated.

Background: 33 years old, full-time college student (senior), great GPA, no wife, no kids.

Dream one:

I had a dream about a person who was my former boss, Bruce, five years ago. I used to be a full-time radio announcer in real life, and he was the man who hired me and let me go a year and a half later. He no longer works at the radio station.

I was in the far corner of the back of a Kroger grocery store parking lot, and I happened to see Bruce, my former boss. It was just pure coincidence that we saw each other at that moment. In spite of my unpleasant feelings toward him, I said hello to him and I asked him how he was doing. He said, "Oh, I'm doing fine (in a matter-of-fact way). Then he asked me, kind of in a half-joking & sarcastic, halfway serious way, "How would you like your old job back?" I thought about it for a few seconds, and I said, "sure." He looked very surprised, as if he didn't expect me to except his offer.

Then, in a surprised tone of voice of disbelief, he said, “you do?” I replied, “Sure, as long as everything is the same as when I left (same hours, same pay, etc). He said to me, “Oh yes, everything’s the same. So you really want your old job back? When can you start?” Then I said, “I can start this afternoon at 5:00 pm” (which is unusual, because I used to be a radio announcer from 6-10 am, and not in the afternoon). A few minutes later, I saw my mom and told her what had happened, and she said, “I cannot believe it. Your father is going to flip when he hears this (“flip” probably in a very bad way, because in real life he and I were fired on the same day from the same company, from the same boss- - we worked as DJs on the same radio station in real life).

The next thing I knew, I was working in the same building, but in a different room, and I was sorting through old posters and promotional CDs from various recording/music artists, all of which were about 5 or 6 years old. Then, I hear the voice of my former boss, and he said to me “Do you have any questions that you want to ask me before I leave?” to which I replied, “No, no questions.” My former boss left the room, and then I began to wonder about my salary, my hours, my days off, etc; however, he had already left by that time. I began wondering about when I was supposed to work, and I suddenly became anxious about my job working for the radio station. In my dream, I felt exactly the same way that I felt in real life when I worked for this particular radio station - - very unhappy and uncertain about my position.

Dream Two:

The next night, I dreamed that I was in my neighbor’s house – a neighbor that I really don’t know much about and never really talk to. However, in my dream, I was “house sitting” for this woman and her husband, and I was the only person in the house. I can’t begin to describe how lonely I felt, and how bored I was. I walked through the living room, and I felt like I was walking through a room while I was in the 1970s. Once I walked through the living room, I opened the front door and walked outside onto their front sidewalk. From there, I saw my other neighbor, Staci (who I know) walking her dog, Spanky, down the street. I asked my neighbor Staci, “Would you like to come inside the house and look around” to which she replied, “No, I better not - - that would be against the rules.”

Then, I turned and was about to reenter the house, and I saw two women in their 20s sitting at an oval-shaped, cherry dining room table. One of the women was unknown to me, while the other was a woman who I had a falling out with in January 2007, who in real life briefly was my Spanish professor for about two weeks.

(In real life, I dropped her class, and later told her that I objected to her treating me differently than the rest of her other students who were younger than myself - - it was a situation that upset me greatly, and it nearly caused me to change my college major. However, I eventually patched things up with her in real life, and we are civil to one another now).

I could not bring myself to walk back into that house while my former Spanish professor and this other young woman was there. I felt very anxious and unhappy.

Then, I suddenly found myself on a road located on the top of a mountain. I was among several college age young people, and they were all riding their bicycles. However, all of them seemed to hang in groups with one another, while I rode my bicycle alone. I really felt lonely too, in my dream. Then, I saw a former high school acquaintance/classmate that I hadn’t seen in about 15 or 16 years. But as soon as I came near him, he rode his bike down a 20 foot paved slope on the road, and I never had the opportunity to talk with him. All I could do is watch how all of the young people were happy, enjoying their youth, and they each had each other, while I rode my bike alone, feeling miserable about my life.




  1. Dear Don Quixote! Like your famous namesake you have set out to tilt at windmills. You are on a quest to find your niche in life. You are midstream as it were and you have suddenly regrets about the direction your life is taking you. You wonder if it would be better to return to your old vocation. But then you realise that such a flip would not make you happy, you realise that you would be anxious again as you were with your old boss.

    Your second dream is of the same ilk, but it is more about your regrets that you have no relationship and that you are only minding someone else’s house instead of being the owner occupant. You look out longingly to a possible female companion but she declines. As well as that you are somewhat rueful that you are not in your teens like your classmates. It isolates you. As your last sentence says: “While I rode my bike alone, feeling miserable about my life”.

    I am sure that you did not need my interpretation of your dreams. You know their import. But what to do about it? I suggest you imagine that your two dreams were two short letters you received from an old mate of yours. With that in mind respond to them, giving your old mate some friendly advice how to deal with his present dilemma. Give him some supportive advice. When you have done that come back to this response of mine and see where yours agrees with mine and where it differs. So stop reading now, instead print all this out and come back to what I have added after this line.

    Being an adult student among teens is not easy. I have been there myself and know the feeling well. But now that I have past all that and look back I see why. It wasn’t because I was slow at school that I left at an early stage only to return again later, but because the whole education system riled me. I used to dream of walking beside Socrates, Pythagoras and Plato asking questions instead of being fore-fed. This helped me later on in life when I had become a teacher myself to be mindful of all the things that I hated at school. I made sure that my students didn’t have to suffer the same way as I did. I made sure they could learn in a way that was most conducive to their temperament and talents.

    In short what I went through served a higher purpose later on. Today I know that life is right in any case, that whatever we are given is what we need. The thing that capped this knowledge for me is my discovery that our dreams are the blueprints of our future. As you read this you might get a shock and say to yourself: My dreams are nothing but misery, will I have a miserable life for ever? No of course not. What these dreams are saying is that at the present and for some time ahead you have to go through anxieties and feelings of uncertainty. But they also say that what you have experienced in the past was not for nothing. The first dream is telling you that it is not good hankering for past situations because they were not really what made you happy. The second dream is telling you that part of your present situation is being on your own as an outsider for a time. It is actually when we are alone that we get to know ourselves best. While in a crowd having fun our mind is dissipated and we remain strangers to ourselves.

    Perhaps you were made to choose the name of Don Quixote because there is much good advice in that novel. Indeed, you only have to look at the section of tilting the windmilss and you have the best kind of advice you could get in your present situation; in fact you might do well to make it your motto in life: “Fortune is guiding our affairs better than we ourselves could have wished”.      

    And also look at Chaucer's wonderful verses in his Canterbury Tales where he wrote in "The Knight's Tale":

    “Alas, why is it people so dispraise God's providence or Fortune and her ways,

    That can so often give in many guise

    Far better things than ever they devise?

    We little know the things for which we pray.

    Our ways are drunkard ways -drunk as a mouse -

    A drunkard is aware he has a house

    But what he doesn't know is the way thither,

    And for a drunk the way is slip and slither.

    Such is our world indeed, and such are we.”

    Or a little later:

    ”That men might see that neither wit nor wealth,

    Beauty or cunning, bravery or health

    Can challenge Venus or advance their worth

    Against that goddess who controls the earth”.

    Or check out Kahlil Gibran’s “Visions of the Prophet” where he writes:

    ”Life knows nothing of chance.

    In the universe there are innumerable threads

    That make up the canvas of the primary universe.

    Your life and mine are just two threads in this eternal canvas.

    They diverge, converge and interweave with each other,

    Then diverge and converge again until the fabric is complete.

    The Weaver who sits behind His loom knows where each thread goes.

    But no thread knows the Weaver’s plan.”

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