
Dream interpretation....when someone becomes part of your family...?

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What does it mean in a dream when someone you dont really know that well (but you know of them) becomes a relative of yours. Just like, they are there at all the family gatherings and stuff. Could it mean that this person would be a long lost relative? Or, is it something different?




  1. Families are sometimes made up of more than just blood.  Sometimes, families are groups of people who share similar ideas, morals, faiths, values, or even hobbies!  (I have a group of folks from church that I fish with regularly that feels like family to me.)

    I would look at this individual in your dream and (based on the little you do know) look at what is similar. Is it that this person looks like someone in your family?  Or like they'd fit in?  That could be the extent.

    Another possibility is that this person is representing a quality or even another person.  Yeah, that's complicated, but the subconscious does stuff like that from time to time.


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