
Dream interpreter, what does my dream mean?

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Please be serious guys, hopefully you can interpret my dream. Let’s see, I am standing in a room with other people. A performance is taking place on a stage and a little girl is singing. I am watching the performance but also waiting for her to finish. I am also wearing an elegant dress and my hair is pulled up in a nice updo. The moment is very special because everyone is dressed nicely. Once she is done, the speaker calls me and a few other waiting people up to the stage to congratulate us on our performance on the stage (it was before the girl’s). I go up and put my arm around the guy standing next to me, who apparently I know very well, because we are laughing and smiling. I turn to my left and put my arm out for another guy. As I stare into his face and notice that he is very cute. He smiles at me. He’s shy at first but comes to me. I look ahead and smile at the audience. After a short while, we leave the stage and I let go of the cute guy, and walk away with my guy friend to talk to other people. However I can’t help but wonder where he went. What was he doing? I wanted to be with him. Well after that I woke up. Can you help me understand my dream?




  1. You dreams suggest you feel good about yourself and have a number of good friends who are supportive of you in your efforts.  There are some hints of sexual theme with you and the two guys.   The cute guy likely represents someone in your life whom you want but who is either not attracted to you or is in a secure relationship.   It does not appear that this is a great problem for you, just a minor narcissistic injury that is likely reflected by some actual event in  your life.

    Let me know if this helped.

  2. Gatherings where people understand and support each other, and want to be together, can give a tremendous sense of belonging, and help you to feel safe, supported and sustained. If you have been struggling with such issues, dreaming of such a gathering may show that some aspect of your personal sense of community is now being satisfied in some way.

    The characters in your dream gathering are probably playing particular roles contributing to the group identity. They may be people you know or complete strangers- leaders and followers, teachers, diplomats trying to keep the peace and finding solutions to problems, jokers defusing situations with their humor, and the black sheep, pulling in a different direction and at odds with everyone. Gatherings may also speak to us of individuality, whether suppressed or given freedom.

    Formality can give us the safety of structure if we understand and feel comfortable with it.

    In a social gathering we may feel small, which might represent that this is how we feel about ourselves in real life.

    When we dream of children we might be recalling something in our waking life that makes us feel in a way that we associate with the state of childhood, or we may be echoing something in our everyday life that has given us the status of a child in some way.

    Basically the little girl singing is linked with the cute guy you saw. You wish you had the gift of speaking up, like when you saw the guy. As you go off with your friend, you leave the other guy. This is telling you that you need to focus your attention on not just your friends, but other future relationships, too. You feel isolated and can't help wondering where he went. This represents how you need to do what you think is right and see what your heart has to say before you act upon the logical thinking.

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