
Dream - kids, me, guns, running, sky and water??

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had a disturbing dream last night that i can't get out of my head... anyone care to make sense of it for me??

my cousin put a hit on me and my kids. 6 men came to my house, shot me in the stomach twice, my daughter once and then in front of me shot my son in the head. he gave the killers a message "i want you to know what it's like to loose some one you love", my cousin's mum died 10 years ago and our grandma (like a mum to him) died april this year. we aren't close, but when we see each other we get along really well. there's 11 years between us.

in my dream i was given a 2nd chance to get away from the 6 men that came to my house to shoot me and my kids. this time i got one of their guns and then shot them all in the stomach, and then ran away with my kids.

when we got out side there where massive rocks falling from the sky, we had to dodge them and ended up in the ocean swimming to a safe island. in the end we where safe and alive.

very strange! any suggestions?




  1. find the cousin and kill him before he kills you

  2. Go into therapy.

  3. This could be way off but I took a 2 credit college course on stress and dreams. From what I could personaly see in this dream is pretty simple. In the first half you are shot and your children are killed this can signify mistakes in your past and or present. the second chance is just that, a second chance to fix the mistakes that have been made or avoid the ones that may you may come across. The rocks falling from the sky can signify that this process that you will face may be a hard task to overcome but you will be able to do it as long as you keep puching forward.

  4. I think it means that you know your cousin is hurt and you two arent very close, so you fear him a bit. Try getting close to your cousin, it might help you overcome your fear because your cousin does love you and your family so it wouldnt make sense to kill you guys!! dont worry and get closer to your cousin. good luck!!

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