
Dream meaning? 10 points for best interpretation?

by  |  earlier

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I dreamt that I was walking and my crush was passing near me, I smiles, he smiled back. Then I told him '' Hi, how are you?'' but he just passed. Then, whenever I'm in a room/place in my house or anywhere, I se him in the same room/place as me. He doesn't speak to me, only be with me in the same room/watches me. What does this dream mean? I thought that maybe it means that he's always next to me like an angel but I don't know. What do you think? Thanks




  1. I think you crush was with you cos he wants you to be okay.He didnt talk but smiles only if you see him right?So that means wherever you are he is always there to guide you like an angel. >,<

  2. Well! your dream man is no one but God, yes! HE is watching you every moment, You are very fortunate as GOD is with you all the time

    Also! the dream indicates that if you love someone then you have to make the first move. But don't worry you would get your love as God is with you.

  3. I think your afraid he doesn't feel the same as you do. Maybe you're afraid of how he feels about you.

  4. He's there but he's ignoring you in your dreams.. meaning in real life you're not getting his attention, and most likely he has no clue that you have a crush on him.. so the best way is to confront him and tell him how you feel..

  5. Smiling in reality symbolize the body language of approval, agreement and ice breaking.

    You may be feeling the need for his reaction or attention in some aspect of your life.  In other words, you may be feeling ignored or left out in terms of relationship with your crush.  In translation, you may be feeling helpless and that is why he may not talk back to you.  

    In reality, he may respond to you or give you attention, but deep down your dream reflects more attention you are looking for.   In translation, subconsciously you still feel left out and not enough priase, attention you get in reality

  6. Your dream suggests that you feel this 'crush' is not as responsive to you as you believe his real feelings should make him.

    He may be shy - he may not be interested.  But something about him seems reluctant or to be missing something about your intentions.

    There can also be another side to this - you may not be sending the right signals in conscious life.  In that the dream may be related to a frustration or anxiety that you need to somehow get his attention but are afraid of rejection.

    Consider these points - and what might be done in waking life to overcome them whether it's inattention on his part of a lack of approaching him on yours.

    All the best to you.

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