
Dream meaning: rape, paralyzed, etc.?

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ok...i have had two crazy dreams that i can't figure out.

dream #1: I dreamt that i was sleeping in my bed and all of the sudden i feel the weight of a man on top of me. he's just a dark figure and i can't see his face, clothing, anything...just a dark figure. immediately, i am paralyzed and cannot open my mouth, move my body or make noise. internally i am yelling at myself to move or scream but i can't. my eyes are moving all around but thats it. his hand is over my mouth and i want to fight back but i cant. THEN i wake up.

dream #2: this was last night and thats why i'm asking about the meaning of this. i dreamt that i was sleeping in my bed and i hear someone breaking into the window of my living room. i hear him walking around my kitchen (opening the fridge, drinking something, etc.). I can tell that he's just trying to rob me but then i hear him say "wait a second...theres a girl living here." immediately i am paralyzed: i can't move, speak, and this time, i couldn't even open my eyes. It was like i had them tightened shut. inside i'm screaming at myself to open my eyes! get the phone! but i CANNOT move. i'm wrapped into a little ball and my heart is pounding...dreading his entrance. although, the second he enters my door to come after me, i wake up!

whaaat does this mean?




  1. Hey i dont really know how you feel about the not moving deal. but i have had numbers of rape dreams because of my past. i have had dreams of when i was being attacked at school until someone stopped them and i woke up. i have had alot more. i have been having dreams like this since i was 12 now i am 18. it is hard to deal with. but i am getting alot of help and support from my boyfriend. Just talk to someone you really trust like a best friend and you will get less and less dreams.

  2. I also have dreams were I can not move or scream I just lay there unable to dreath. I am awear of whats going on and I try so hard to move to just hit something to wake myself up. I was sexualy abused as a child I thught I was over it but it turns out all these years my nightmares were because of what happened to me. the feeling of not being able to control whats happening because I couldnt control it then I can not control myslef in my dreams I dont know how to make them stop I have talk to doctor to see if it was because I left it for so long but that did not work I guess im gonna have to live with this for ever. Thanks to this man I wake up crying and scared for my life alot. I hope this helps so of you with your confusion on what happen to you.

  3. It's sleep paralysis. It freaks me out. It happened to me this morning too and when I woke up I cried. I hate that there's nothing to do about it because it feels like you can't breathe, move, or talk. Look it up on wikipedia... that's where I got my info. Hope that helps.

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