
Dream meanings fish?

by Guest66877  |  earlier

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every now and again ha ve a wacky dream. although it hasnt be as bad as when i was younger or pregnant but the other night i had one that wasnt as much odd but i couldnt find the meaning behind dream was that i had something to do with a fish whether i owned it or it was just there. I tried to feed it and it was pacing back and forth and was kind of vicious but in rl the type of fish isnt like that. ive had these dreams twice now and its always along the same line. theres a fish in a big dark tank that is vicious and needs to be fed but i cant feed it. anyways tell me what you think.




  1. In my family, whenever someone dreams of fish, Someone in my family becomes pregnant or is pregnant, Every single time without fail and for generations.

    Have you recently been trying to get pregnant but haven't been able to? That could be the fish in the big dark tank that you cant feed.

    Hope this helps.

  2. Fish/fishing

    The fish symbol was adopted by the early christians to represent Christ and Church. In a more general sense, when we dream of fish, wea re getting in touch with our deeper selves and our search for a higher self or spirituality. For the Chinese, fish are a symbol of financial gain, while the image of two fish going opposite directions represents hte astrological sign of Pisces. Consider why this dream appears at this stage of life. Perhaps you are looking deeper-'fishing around'-for something? catching a fish may indicate that you willl achieve success-'a big catch'. Alternatively, you may be feeling as if you are living in a fish bowl, open to criticism for all to see. Perhaps you are 'a big fish in a small pond' and you need to expand your horizons.

    A cold fish is unfeeling and something that smells fishy suggests that not everything is as it seems. Pay attention to the fish in your dream and monitor your reactions to this symbol.

  3. lol sorry that made me laugh.

    Maybe you have a fear of your fish.

    It sounds like you could have a pet something and you want you are feeding it.

    Someone you know is hungry and agitated.

    Someone is driving up and down your street in a tinted car and they are angy.

    A fish could mean a person.

    You could just be having trouble sleeping.

    Do you work somewhere with fish.

    If you do maybe you have had an event.

    If you have a past boyfriend or lover. That may be angry that you broke up with him.

    Advice:: Sms him to stay away. Tell him that you forgive him, forget and tell him that you can't stay friends if he acts like that.

    :: Face your fear with someone who can help.

    ::Learn to love more. Perfect love. Time apart is healthy.

    *Giggle* *Sigh*

    You could try selling the fish to someone else that is a collector. Or you could get an expert in.

    Wicky Wacky West

  4. Maybe you're pregnant again.

  5. Hi,

    try going on to : google: dream moods dictionary

    it is a fantastic site, and it answers almost any possible dream, obviously I feel as though there is a msg in there for you but not a bad one either, so check out the site.

    The site is excellent and I hope it helps you with your answer.

    Good luck.

    Min :-)
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