
Dream meanings? or just random dreams?

by Guest61500  |  earlier

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So I recently had two dreams involving my parents getting caught in fire, or having a fire situation/emergency. My first dream was of my dad trying to rescue our neighbors because their house was on fire. I remember I was yelling through the windows begging my dad to come back because I was really scared for him. After that my dream shifted and i never found out what happened to my papa. After that dream, days later- I had a dream my parents and I were in a shopping mall, and we had separated. I overheard a lady say there was a fire in one of the stores my mom was in. I ran like crazy and I found my mother safe and sound outside the store. Is there a certain meaning to "fire" in my dreams? Or the fact that my parents are the victims? Or is it just a crazy coincidence? All your SERIOUS answers are appreciated =]




  1. Fire denotes disease and destruction.  Likewise, it can denote anger and violence.  Are any of these qualities surrounding you or you family? The dream just illustrates these in the way you've seen.


  2. I think this is to do with major changes starting to happen  in your life. The fact that your parents were in the dreams is because of your continuing independance. Fire is good in one way as it clears out the old and allows for new growth which is happening for you.

  3. The dreams suggest from some reason you are concerned about your parents.  In both dreams  you portray your parents as well meaning people.  However, I would wonder if you are not having some type of conflict with them.  Maybe something that they are not even aware of, such as you have not been caught doing something they would not approve, maybe even smoking.  Whatever it is it is creating a riff between you and your parents and  you are feeling guilty about it.

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