
Dream - my boyfriend(1.5 years) asked me to marry him. i had just a hint of doubt but was delighted! i?

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i said yes but was disappointed in the small ring selection. i have been married before and the ring was the same except for smaller. does my dream have any meaning?




  1. Dreaming about getting married or being in a wedding is relatively common. If your biological time clock is ticking away and you are anxious to get married, this dream may be a form of wish-fulfillment. However, a wedding or a marriage in a dream is a profound and very personal symbol. It usually represents the harmonious integration of the dreamer's personality or psyche (i.e. the coming together of masculine, feminine, shadow, anima, physical, spiritual, unconscious, or/and conscious components). The marriage in your dream may represent the union of the different sides of your own character. This is a positive dream symbol because it suggests a degree of self-awareness and integration. Many people dream about weddings during times of stress and difficulty. Based on superstition some cultures believe that dreaming of a wedding is a negative omen that generally represents a period of grief and possibly death.

  2. From what I've heard dreams are your biggest fears/hopes.  I think you hope that your current boyfriend will ask you to marry him, but your scared that the ring will be like your old ring.

  3. i have definitely had that same dream (or nightmare!) i doubt it means anything specific...but i'd try putting your dream into a dream interpretation thing. i think there's one on yahoo you could use.

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