
Dream of a Female Tiger...?

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This morning I woke up looking for her...because it was that vivid.

Woke up wondering if I was still asleep or where I was because last night's dream literally made me feel like that was my reality.

Obviously it wasn't...but let me explain what my dream was about.

I had a dream that my family and I were in a neighborhood and we came across this empty house but not really becasue a Tiger was there...she was a part of this home, like she had made her home in this abanoned house near where we lived.

*My Family*-Father and Uncle(his brother)) - This is who appreared in my dream but I know my mother was present but didn't appear as well as my siblings and boyfriend)

I remember the Tiger being very bold and I was quite terrified at first. I remember wanting to feed her and worried I couldnt have enough and she might do something to me. In the presence of my father and uncle I fed her...and she warmed up to me and she approached my uncle I was scared for him but nothing happened.




  1. Wow! I really wish you wouldn't have woken up yet. I mean, it leaves you with a lot of possible meanings, because you don't know what happens to the tigress. By not knowing what happens to the tigress, we don't know what happens to balance of humans and animals. I do believe that was a strong symbol, a very strong symbol indeed.

    Out of curiosity, have you ever wanted to be able to help animals? Like, protect them from poachers or anything? You could put it as an additional detail whether you do or not.


  2. Usually when dreaming of tigresses it means feminine power & energy. It also means good health & vitality.

    Your tigress was the keeper of both the natural & human-tiger interaction world. A high priestess, a Keeper, the great communicator - these are all things your tigress was. These are all qualities that you have, or would like to have, the tigress is symbolic of you.

    Or, the tigress had a special attraction for your Uncle. Perhaps there will be a powerful woman in your Uncle's life soon (if he is not already w/ someone). If there already is a woman in your Uncle's life this dream could be how you feel about her - you see her as possessing the qualities of your tiger (you generally like this woman). If your Uncle is involved with someone, did you fear her first, and worry that you wouldn't be able to provide her w/ what she wanted from you (worried about what she'd think of you)?

  3. Your dream suggests that you are discovering a maturing yearning for something in life beyond the embrace of your family.

    By all those present you describe those who do care for you, protect you - and perhaps more than you feel necessary as you mature, and who may have interests that just don't excite you so much as you see more indendence ahead.

    However, in that independence that you see before you there is also the unknown.  This tigress seems to represent both your own sense of power and the potentially thorny nature of some things that you know are out there in that big world.  You need that strength in her - the ability to fend off hazard, even if gently enough (you wish not to hurt, not even your uncle whose company is not so great - 'either way' - perhaps due to his wife) - and the adventure that goes with being with her.

    Think about your relationship with each of your family members who were present: your mother not such a strong influence, apparently.  Your father seems close to your uncle - does he overlook some things about him that are not really so comforting to you?  He seems neutral enough - but he too approaches 'your' future and 'your' own strong nature - that's a bit bold.  His wife is bland by your description - not a real factor, just there.

    The dream is trying then to awaken you as to how to deal with what you want - independence, some adventure - and a realization of your own strengths to go forth and away from your own family, hopefully in an appropriate way.  Do look to see if anything in the family drives you away - that may need dealing with.  Otherwise it is simply a healthy dream of strength and newness that is desired from within.

    All the best to you.

  4. I believe this tigress is a part of you... a strong, passionate part of yourself that you're not sure you're ready to handle?

    By passionate, I don't necessarily mean sexual... just strong, deep feelings about things and a desire to act on them.  How much of your true self are you keeping leashed?

    You feed her (allow her some food for thought and a little leeway, privately, perhaps) but you are afraid you will not have enough for her (won't be able to meet her needs for emotional/spiritual survival.  You know, if you fee her, she WILL grow stronger and you won't be able to keep her hidden forever.

    Perhaps your father and uncle do know about this tigress within you?  How much of your inner tigress have you revealed to them?  How do they feel about that side of you?  

    Perhaps you have not yet revealed this wilder side of you to the others in your life.  I would suggest you do before you enter into any serious relationship with a man you might possibly hope to have a future with.  It would be unfair to both of you to keep her hidden.  You will be miserable keeping so much of yourself under wraps.  Whoever commits to you may not be prepared to deal with the tigress, and might be in for quite a shock when she does come out!  So, be yourself, not a pale shadow of yourself.

    It is true.. you need to be your real self.  The part of you that is inviting her "home" however, is the side that will have to decide how much freedom she gets, and when and where are the proper times to release her.  Passion and fervor without wisdom can be devastating.  

    Pray for wisdom.  This stronger side of you can do a lot of good and enrich your life and the lives of those you love if she is not allowed to take over your life with no set boundaries.

    God bless you,


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