
Dream of a girl i used to like 3 years ago?

by  |  earlier

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Ok there was this *really* pretty girl in grade six and i had a huge crush on her and last night i had a dream we were at party and i saw her after a while she said hi (in real life she doesn't remember me ) (but her body wasent her she the person did not look like her at all but yet it was her) any way i sad hi! back and i started walking twords her and i was saying "so how are you doing" she than started to back away from me saying "stop" but i kept going i than said something like "i havent seen you in a while" and we started talking and had fun at the party. WHAT does this mean?




  1. You had a crush on this girl, past tense, but it was strong for you. Since your mind doesn't have anything else to compare it to (no girls since then who've made an impact on you like she did) your dream was basically you saying to yourself 'wow, I liked that feeling, I wonder if it will ever happen again.'

    Your dreaming mind gave you a pep talk, dressed up as both your old crush (cause you knew it was her) and the girl who will be your future crush (which is why it didn't look like her, but you knew that it was 'her'.) Meeting her, you realized that its been awhile since you've had that feeling and wondered if it would ever come back. Your dreaming mind, in making your 'old' crush back up, was saying 'yeah, it will happen, but with someone amazing and you haven't met yet' which was why the dream ended with you talking and having fun at the party.

    The party and the talking and girl will happen, here's something to tide you over til then, is basically what your dream was about.

  2. It means that you have a crush and you were just reminded of that crush and deep inside you still like her but who knos God may be giving you an oppertunity. So what i say is "Go Get em Tiger" !

  3. its juz a dream

    doesnt mean anything

  4. It means your sub-conscience is smarter than you are.

  5. it doesn't mean had a dream...LOL....

    you're funny lmao

  6. Honey, honey, honey.....

    What this means is that within 6 months you are going to meet someone who you think is cute and both of you are going to be nervous and because of your persistence you will hit it off and start dating.

    Good luck

    (PS - the girl I see that you will be talking to she has brunette hair past her shoulders - and she will be wearing a white jacket)

    Sorry to say - it won't be the same girl....

  7. You are experiencing health problems caused by your recent undertakings, the environment you're on.  This has caused physical changes in you but you are obligated to perform something or finish such work. Review your work to accomplish the desired result.

  8. Dear Friend ,

    As we know, dreams are a way that our mind tries to contact us and our inner feelings and thoughts contact us only by our dreams . This dream could mean several things . Few possibilities are there . As in it could be that you want to meet her again or that you want to take her out . Or maybe you just wish that you could do that . There are people who tell meanings about dreams or there are books which you could refer to . Im sorry i dont know anyone like that but im sure someone would like to help you !! You see there are two things you could do . Either you can ignore the dream completely , forget all about it and move on . Or you could findout what it really meant . But im sure its nothing serious but i really hope that you find your crush again. Take Care and Good Luck !!!

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