the day before the first dream i was at school and there is a back passage with a metal stair case that leads to the back of the school and i went down the stairs looking at the steps for no apparent reason. i guess they seemed interesting. rusted metal stairs, with circular holes in them.
First dream:
i was watching George Lopez in my bed and just CLOSED my eyes. the lights were on, and i could hear the tv and my mother and sister talking to each other.
then i saw my feet and legs going down the school stairs, just as if i were looking at them again! i could hear my feet going down faster and faster, and then my hear racing. I ALSO COULD HEAR MY SISTER AND MOTHERS CONVORSATION.
i knew i was falling and then i guess it hit the ground although it seemed i was running down the stairs or falling forever!
i woke up in a volent twitch with a sharp inhale. it was recurring for three nights. same syptoms post dream.