
Dream of falling down stairs 3 times!!?

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the day before the first dream i was at school and there is a back passage with a metal stair case that leads to the back of the school and i went down the stairs looking at the steps for no apparent reason. i guess they seemed interesting. rusted metal stairs, with circular holes in them.

First dream:

i was watching George Lopez in my bed and just CLOSED my eyes. the lights were on, and i could hear the tv and my mother and sister talking to each other.

then i saw my feet and legs going down the school stairs, just as if i were looking at them again! i could hear my feet going down faster and faster, and then my hear racing. I ALSO COULD HEAR MY SISTER AND MOTHERS CONVORSATION.

i knew i was falling and then i guess it hit the ground although it seemed i was running down the stairs or falling forever!

i woke up in a volent twitch with a sharp inhale. it was recurring for three nights. same syptoms post dream.





  2. Sounds like you did something called "Lucid dreaming" where you are dreaming and realize that its only a dream but you still can't wake up. I get that when I sleep in unfamiliar areas (like naps on car trips or naps in the college library...)

    It can be scary to experience a lucid dream but they are quite common and from my own experience it only happens when I sleep somewhere other than my bed.

    dreaming about stairs represents "taking you to another level of understanding or progress in your spiritual, emotional or material life." because you are going down, not upstairs it could mean you are worried about backsliding rather than progressing.

  3. wow that must had been scary let's see if i can you must had been half awake and half asleep cause you heard your mother and sister well you said you were at school that portends literary honors to be there.falling down stairs means you will be unlucky in love and will be the object of envy and hatred.general falling means struggles will turn into victories if you got hurt in the dream it means you will suffer hardships and means others want the things you want racket means you will not enjoy a pleasure you anticipated. i tried to find out what it meant to look i found out a dripping faucet can be translated into a dream as footsteps weird right. i keep looking and found out it means that you have or had trouble facing and/or solving a problem. i hope i could help!!!!

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