
Dream of gauging eyes out.?

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I had 2 dreams which I can't get out of my mind. The first dream I had twice and had to do with men chasing me to try to take my eyes out. Being christian I know this has a lot of meaning, since in the spiritual realm being without sight means a separation from God ( ex: Samson).

The second dream had to do with me being pregnant by my boyfriend, but he was away on training and I was scared and didnt want to tell anyone. I was scared to the point that I thought about abortion because I didnt want nor felt ready to have a baby.. but in reality we are not having s*x nor abortion is an option I would ever consider...




  1. i dont know about the first one

    second dream


    To dream that you are pregnant, symbolizes an aspect of yourself or some aspect of your personal life that is growing and developing. You may not be ready to talk about it or act on it.� This may also represent the birth of a new idea, direction, project or goal.

    If you are really pregnant and having this dream, then it represents your anxieties about the pregnancy. �Women in the first trimester of their pregnancy tend to dream of tiny creatures, fuzzy animals, flowers, fruit and water. In the second trimester, dreams will reflect your anxieties about being a good mother and concerns about possible complications with the birth. Dreams of giving birth to a non-human baby are also common during this period of the pregnancy. Finally, in the third trimester, dreams consists of your own mother. As your body changes and grows, dreams of whales, elephants and dinosaurs and other larger animals may also start appearing at this stage.

    To dream that you are pregnant with the baby dying inside of you suggests that a project you had put a lot of effort into is falling apart and slowly deteriorating. Nothing works out the way you want it to.�

    *Please see also Birth. View Dream Bank: "Pregnant Mother" and "Birth To Twins"

  2. i don't know about the second one but the first one sounds like youre evil!!! i know you want to be the unquestionable dictator of the world some day... if u do GAME ON coz im gonna b the evil dictator of the world MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  3. I'm a Christian too, and I feel like dreams are God's way of speaking to us.  

    Dream 1

    You have your eyes but these men are chasing you and trying to take your eyes away.  

    This dream could mean you are running from something that you don't want to see.  

    It could be anything, but something you don't want to deal with.  I think in your heart you know what truth you are running from and God is preparing a way for you to take authority over this situation and handle it simply.  


    Dream 2

    Have you and your boyfriend thought about the future?  Maybe a dream of marriage, or a career that your family would not approve of.  

    You getting pregnant in the dream is about you giving birth to an idea.

    Because you were scared of being pregnant and considered an abortion, is why I think you are having trouble being honest about this issue at hand with your family members.  

    I may be totally off the mark is my analyzing of this dream and I've attached an article with a link to helpful dream dictionaries at the end.  

    In reading these dreams it looks like you're running from the truth, and the truth may be that you want to do something different.  

    Best of luck, I will keep you in my prayers.

  4. Well, the first dream sounds as though you are having a problem of some kind that is affecting your attitude towards everything, and it is affecting your over all "vision" of your life, it is affecting your ability to see everything clearly, or to clearly see a solution to the problem represented by the men chasing you in your dream.

    The second dream, I don't think that is about actual pregnancy.  Is your boyfriend away for an extended time in real life at the moment?  The pregnancy could represent the potential of the relationship itself.  With your boyfriend away for an extended time, you may be questioning whether you have enough commitment toward the relationship to sustain a long distance relationship.  You may be questioning whether you are ready to settle down to one guy to the extent of waiting a long time for him to come back, and remaining faithful to someone who is not going to be back for some time.  The phrase "away on training" suggests to me that perhaps he is in the military?  If you are having second thoughts about maintaining a commitment to someone who is likely to be away for a long time, you may be keeping these thoughts to your self, and reluctant to share them with anyone else for concerns of how it would look if you aren't ready to make such a deep commitment to someone who is going to be away for awhile.  The thoughts about having an abortion could represent that you are thinking about "terminating" the relationship, if not for good, then perhaps at least for the time being, if you and your boyfriend are about to be separated for a long time. If you are both fairly young still, and if the relationship has not been developing for that long, that may be all the more reason for you to have second thoughts about making such a commitment as well.  If you are both fairly young, and haven't been seeing each other for very long, then it might be a good idea to put this relationship on hold for awhile, until he comes back, and if you have both had an opportunity to grow and mature in the meantime, and experience other relationships in the meantime, and still want to be together when he comes back, then you can go from there and see what develops....good luck....

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