Okay, so the dream was a nitemare for me (I'm afraid of dying and my nitemares always include me running from something bound to kill me). I was chilling on my grandparent's back porch and dozing. I could hear a thunderstorm building in the distance and there was a vague cloud forming that I could see. I dozed a bit (sleeping in my dream, haha) and then looked at the cloud again, wondering why it wasn't getting closer. The view was amazing and terrifying. The dark clouds were littered with white smoke trails and there looked like fire mixed in the blues and purples.
Then a resoundingly loud explosion sound. There wasn't any visual changes, even though I was looking straight at the site, but I instantly knew it was a meteor impact and we were all going to die. I stood up and said, "That's it, we're dead. I love you." My friend James was in the house and heard me, but then I don't think I said anything else, we just decided to go hide behind a tree from the incoming shockwave.