
Dream of pets killing other animals - interpretation?

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Last night I had a dream I was in our upstairs bonus room. it has a door to an outside porch - on the small porch were several different animal carcasses my two cats & dog had dragged up - squirrels, bunnies, and parts of deer.

I turned around and inside was another piece of a carcass (didnt know what it was) that the two cats were chewing on.

I left the room, not really giving the situation much though aside from thinking I should tell my mother (but really didn't want to) I then went into another room and changed the locks on the window.

Any ideas of meanings in this dream?




  1. The animals' behavior is not the main element here - it is a road sign of sorts as to the real concern.

    Even pets are often predators in their own ways - the things you describe often do occur in a setting where wildlife is abundant.  That they so in this case so prolifically indicates another concern - it is a graphic demonstration of a perceived threat.

    This is reinforced by your dreaming actions of changing locks on the window, etc.  You didn't want to tell your mom although you knew you should.

    Something 'out there' is bothering you subconsciously - there seems to be a low-level concern about security in your life and the local scenary, although exaggerated, raises an alarm.  

    Perhaps someone near you is trying to get a little too close and gives you the creeps - and your home scene provides a graphic backdrop by which to make the point in your inner mind.  Whatever it may be it seems to be an unpleasant matter that needs to be wakingly identified and dealt with to give you relief from the stress driving this dream.

    All the best to you.

  2. Dreams never just "mean something" but mean something TO YOU, and YOU ALONE. So more context would be the key to interpreting what it might be related to in your sleeping brain, working out problems, feeling anxieties, reliving succeeses.

    I would start with the very telling phase "should tell my mother (but didn't really want to)" for the biggest clue. What's the context of your life? What's going on (literally or figuratively) in your life, your home, your relationships, that might be represented by 'scattered pieces' or 'fragmented pieces' related to something, or some related things, you should tell mother, but really don't want to?

    The pets--there are three of them. What does that 'number' mean, in terms of your relationship to other people, things, institutions, wishes, etc.? Are there three schools you're looking at, but can't puzzle out, and don't want to tell your mother that you are considering the one she doesn't want you to go to? I'd try to look at things of this nature vs. literal links to pets, back yard wild life, etc.

    Also, going to another room and changing the locks on the window. I would say you were either keeping something in and safe (you), or keeping something out and away from you (like the problems represented by this whole scenario), so you don't have deal with it. It could be that in your dream, you pushed it away, or that you are also doing this in real life.

    That's my input.

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