
Dream of the future??....i need help to calm my thoughts...?

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is it really that far fetched. i just want to go back to sleep, i need help to calm my thoughts..... all of this was shown to me in a dream of flashes....images and emotions mostly...i dont know what to think about it so woke up to decide to write it down..please tell me what u it possible...or likely?

1. Farmers will see a cloning facility within 30 to 70 yrs for prized animal of high quality meat , or wool within states or towns and eventually the farm. they already clone crops...

2. there would come a day where we will come to hate and spite humanity and we will want to shed our "imperfections" within ourselves with genetic engineering. then, come to regret such a choice for we will lose that which makes us human. all in a moment of desperation.

3. civil war will rise in all nations because of an awakening of the next step in the human evolution process. or also people will finally understand control is habit or habitat. this will need to happen or else there will be a destruction of man kind by its own hands.

4. the greatest losses have yet to occur. earth is going through plantery changes i that have yet to come full circle. and we are only at the tip. ...the smallest effects the weakest......that's what he freaked me out he then went on to talk about how the earth was in a nirvana state of mediation and we woke it up now it will go through the changes of fall back into a mediation state. we woke something we have no understanding of.

5. walls will be built, to keep out the flood, but will fail,tax dollars spent on protection of estate instead of reverence of life and a star of hope.

6. the rhetoric will contune is both houses but there need to feed will grow like any leach on a good idea, a true noble politician ponders the form from a independent view on morals and ethics not by how large there wallet is, there will come a day such as in Rome...that America will fall from grace, and it is to the people to that the responsibility it is to hold firm the ideas and beliefs it was originally founded on not how it has been diluted.when there is nothing left, there is always hope. patience and wisdom are 1 of the same.

7. somethings will disappear all completely like Atlantis, will eventually become a myth of pictures and words. to coast lines beware. along with all life that exist along it.

8. crop climates will change.

9.AI will emerge from multiple lines of code from software that preexists and already exist in entertainment, and defense, and enlightenment. the creator will be a boy at heart.

10. deserts will emerge along with high ways that once boar meadows and absorbers.

11. space shuttles will have a Electro Magnetic Compressor to store energy and and field always in flux around it a alternative energy source while in flight around a planet instead of anti mater or z? wtf does that mean.

12. a war for "power".

13. technology will go through a golden age then and dark age because of greed of numbers changing of torch..

14. a microphone that listens to the waves of sounds that the earth gives off will be used in a sattleite, a software program will then break down the data and layers of audio overlay to determine what someone or something is saying at all time or the location of a object.

15.more commercials....god damnt.

16. the ability to understand and travel back in time but not but travel to a overlaying universe where time travel is possible.....

17. a computer that can computer and interpit 1photon and 0 electron as they are fired and received delivering information back to us from another space and time.

18. Stem cell grown food products and leather and fur clothing wear.

19 biological computers "plants"

20. the sphere of entertainment. ge step into a bubble and it projects light in a 360 radius around the sphere, now the light is a multiple tv projector . and the sphere is a specific for of plastic imagining gaming or traveling in a vehicle unoperated by a man inside but outside. somewhere else...............this vehicle can fly or travel in space...or a military vehicle.

21. a universal defense system and unity will be establish among nations for the safty of man kind against itself.

22. insurance company's and some banks will fall to mother nature and her elements...especially liquid.and they knew about it for yrs.

23. people of "higher status" will limit the spread of culture still by charging money for it and punishing though who want to enlightenment one self....the internet and p2p is way of culturing oneself with movies and songs, and story's......and they will try to eliminate the source........2018.....something....2012 because of the build up...and the meet up.

24. things will become more community orientated and work will only get harder and longer, and longer and longer................................

that's all he said. weird....nothing about aliens thoug




  1. that was one really long nap u took

  2. Jenny, time is irrelevant.  Michael is a modern day prophet.  

  3. i see greed getting so strong that any city that has the most will go the way of sodom and Gomorrah


    Don McClanen thinks a condition called pleonexia has overtaken the U.S. 'Pleonexia is an insatiable need for more of what I already have, and it has penetrated our culture to the point where people are angry at the poor,' he states."

    Jaye Scholl; Don McClanen Offers the Wealthy a Different Kind of Freedom; Barron's (New York); Sep 18, 2000.

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