
Dream peace pls read?

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I usually have nightmares of death and destruction so last night when I dreamt I was getting married to my sons father <we are broken up but we live together> I remember it well. it was a happy occasion and I was at peace, I have never known that kind of bliss in my concious<sp> life. I remeber the dream in detail but I am unsure if I should share it, can anyone tell me what it means?





  2. Your dream is more about your search for wholeness than your ex.  The dreams of death point to the idea that older ways of living are dying and new ways of living are starting to take their place.

  3. ooh i hate nightmares.i hope this wasn&#039;t a nightmare to you.marriage meansyou will recieve dissagreeable news from someone far away.thats all i had time to search for hope i could help
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