
Dream question and what does it mean? part 2?

by  |  earlier

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Second Dream [i can't remember it that clear]

so there was gonna be a flood n they were evacuating everybody me n my boyfriend were at my house i remember of going to a house to get out everyone inside there next thing i remember is being at my schools auditorium with all of my classmates their i left that place 2go 2 my house then my boyfriend told me 2go n get something from his house i jumped out my window n i cross the street n his house was their while i was going in there was a guy with a gun i told him why i was there for n let me inside the house i whent into a room but it was my boyfriends cousin's room with baby stuff(n in real life his girlfriend is pregnant) then the next room it was his but my stuff was their n i was living with him so i took out some of the drawers from the botton so when the water level rised the stuff wouldnt get wet once i did that i left the house went back 2 my house n i just woke up

[sorry for spelling]




  1. Since you dreamt about your boyfriend, you have a good relationship with him. A flood? Live near water? If you dont then that might mean something is overwhemling you and you might feel slightly trapped. To dream that you are in school, signifies feelings of inadequacy and childhood insecurities that have never been resolved. It may relate to anxieties about performance and abilities. You may also be going through a "spiritual learning" experience. If you are still in school and dream about school, then it will naturally serve as a backdrop to your dream world. Alternatively, a dream that takes place in school may be a metaphor for the lessons that you are learning from your waking life. To see a baby in your dream, signifies innocence, warmth and new beginnings. I can tell you are a senseable person by the way in your dream. You seem to still have some common sense in you dream (some people dont) when you took out things because you remembered the flood coming and the water rising. I'll work on your other dreams btw.

    Hope that helped

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