
Dream recall?

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ok im having majer trouble with recalling my dreams can someone give me some before bed tips. an please dont just say have a journal and baisic things like that please tell me some of your personal tips ans secrits to remember your dreams




  1. I am Exhalent from , I am an experienced Lucid dreamer. In order to improve your recall, you must focus your intents solely on remembering your dreams whenever you wake up. As soon as you wake up, recap all of the events that you can remember, over and over again in your head.  Once you have all of those thoughts recorded in your mind, I suggest you write them down in a "dream journal". Keep the journal next to your bed, so whenever you wake up the pen(cil) and journal are ready for you to record your dreams in.

    After the first few nights of recording your dreams, they will become better and better recalled. Once you can recall about an average of a dream a night, you could also pursue somethng called "Lucid dreaming" which I highly recommend to you since you want to increase your recall anyway.

    On a side note, you could also take some vitamins and eat certain foods to increase your dream vividness.




    Peanut Butter




    I hope my insight to increasing dream recall helps you as it still helps me to this day,

    Wyte Phoxx - Lucid dreamer

  2. Well in order to dream you have to hit taht deep state of sleep. I noticed that when I prepared for bed with music and calming things I was able to hit that deep state of sleep withing the time  period I had. Just suround yourself with things that relax your eyes (no computer, cell phones, or bright colors or lights) Then listen to something very calming to you, after eatng or drinking somethign that soothes you. This all prepares you for sleep, it makes it so much easier for you to hit that deep state of sleep and dream. I typically dont have to write my dreams down, so long as I go over my dream jotting down every small detail. So long a sI do this mor ethan once it'll ushually stick, but if you have to write it down.

  3. Hey i hate that too especially if its a nightmare

    it sucks

    Ok anyway

    I listen to music nice alternative, or ambient slowmovin music it really keeps ur mind Steady and on pace and moving so when u wake up ur brain is still liek awake

    im guessing ur brain will remember better if it is always attracted to somthing when u sleep

    and when u fall asleep it may take a while depending on how much u worry

    u fall asleep very slowly so ur brain will gte images qucikly when ur still a very little awake so it will memorize them

    if u can try to wake up in the middle of the night around 3am so u can then alwyas remeber ur dream

    if u do not try to wake up and its possible to wake urself up if it setting ur alarm clock or just trying to open ur eyes asleep its possible i have done it

    so if u do not wake up it has maybe a 60% chance u will forget ur dream cause u may have had multiple dreams

    so if u wake urself up try it u have mor elike a 90% chance of remebering it cause u woke up in the middle of it not when it was all done so ur dream should be fresh and if u feel u will forget it after u know it writ eit down its normal many peole do it and its always good to recall dreams cuase they may lead to several places.

    try it


    thats al;

    oh ya and when u wke up in the middle and u remeba u will ahve a 70% chance of that dream coming back.k

    thxnks hope this helps

  4. Recap your day think about everything and it may influence a rememberance of dreams. Stress also makes me remember dreams but i wouldnt cause stress.
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