
Dream that's come true?

by  |  earlier

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I had a dream, well more of a nightmare about my boyfriend being in a fatel car crash. I woke up and text my boyfriend saying that I love him (which I often do so it wasnt him freaking out from my text) anyway he rang me about 2 hours after and he said Iv crashed your car. I was really scared, I dont think I have psychic powers or anything but has that happened to anyone else? Also my mum has had about 3 dreams which have come true, exactly how she dreamt they would.




  1. Yours wasn't exactly right since it wasn't fatal, but I'm sure it got your attention.

    Some call that coincidence. Some call it premonition.

    I've had that happen just enough times that when I dream something scary I have to check in with people.

    It happens. The mind is an amazing thing.

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