
Dream where my friend ate her baby?

by  |  earlier

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The other night, I had a dream my friend ate her own baby. She doesn't actually have a baby though, but in my dream she did.

Someone stole it though, a crazy scientist, and skinned it and then pumped it with looked like a water baby... then, we got it back and were locking the doors in my house but he crawled through a window

so we ran into the street and she started eating it and I was like oh my god Sam are you eating your own baby? And she was like, yeah, and I was like, can I try a bite? so I did and then I started puking all over the place.




  1. holy c**p she ate her baby??!?!?! woooahhh do you eat stuff before you go to bed? wow...but i think the first persin was rite

  2. To see cannibalism in your dream, symbolizes a destructive and forbidden desire or obsession. In a literal sense, cannibals consume people's lives, along with their energy. This dream may then denote an aspect of your life (career, relationship, children...) which is consistently draining your enthusiasm and vitality.

    Don't know if that is what you were looking for, but it's all I would find :)

  3. I think you're worried your friend is doing something that could hurt someone, possible herself.  You feel like no one can help you with it.  She's doing something you don't feel you should be associated with (hence the puking and locking her out).

    This is my opinion, I could be totally wrong, but this sounds like drugs or something.  I really don't know.  Just my guess.  But do be careful.

  4. The dream about the baby and you and your friend eating it just symbolizes the fact that you are afraid that you are not ready to take on lifelong responsibilities. Your other dream about your friend with the dog may symbolize your own intuition that your values  will enable you to go forward in the world and succeed.The color black just represents the unknown or the unconscious. The hamster in your dream, represents underdeveloped emotions and that  you are distancing yourself from others so that you won't end up getting hurt. The fact that it masturbates may be a reflection that something in your waking life is not as satisfying as it might be, but it doesn't necessarily mean something sexual.

    Both of these dreams are concerned with a changing phase in your life. As we grow up we become concerned with out ability to handle things, and sometimes believe that we don't have what it takes to grow up and mature. These dreams show that you have good insight into yourself but you still have some question about your abilities. Pretty normal stuff.


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