
Dream with a ghost screaming liar!?

by  |  earlier

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i was walking through this college campus and i can to the is white southern looking house. 2 boys from my class pulled me in quick when they saw me walking by. they said "quick get in here! there's something in this house! close the doors!" i said "wait, wait! why would you close the doors if somethings IN the house?!" "no time just get in here!" they said. so i came in and locked the doors. as soon as i stepped into the house, it felt weird. there was VERY loud music playing. i said "jeez! turn that down!" but they were running around. so i went over to the radio and turned the music down all the way. as soon as i did this voice came on in a static kind of way and said - yla yla LIAR! i looked up at one of the boys with this panic stricken look on my face and then i woke up cuz i was terrified.

any help? it was very scary




  1. It could have been a demonic attack.  remember this; demons lie.

    you can pray protection over your house and your bedroom.

    I pray it in the name of Jesus- His name is one that demons fear most.

    He is the one I look to that will protect me in my sleep.

    God bless.

  2. that is really freaky...ive had many dreams with ghosts in them except i SAW them.  it could be because of many reasons; maybe you've been watching too many horror movies and scary tv shows, or something was trying to communicate.  if it doesnt happen too often i wouldnt worry too much about it


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