
Dream....with the devil?

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This question (for some reason) did not post before. So I hope this one posts.

So a few night ago, I had a dream I was on a bus. We were on our way to a game show, when all of a sudden the devil pops up in the middle of the bus. Now, imagine you are ACTUALLY SEEING THE DEVIL. Imagine how you would feel if it happened right now. That fear, was in my dream. It was horrible. It still gives me the chills thinking about it. He said something (i forgot) then dissapeared. He then reapeared in the seat in front of me, turned around and whispered something. Imagine that again, meeting the devil, and having him face to face with you. So he whispered something to me, and his breathe was burning hot, and my chest was burning (in my dream) because of him. Now I can't stress, that the fear I had in my dream, would be as if you actually physically met the devil. Horrifying, shocking, there are no words to describe how I felt.

What can this mean?




  1. you where having bad thoughts about someone

  2. *****Devil

    Dreaming about devils and demons is usually very frightening and you may awake from fear. The devil does not generally represent something outside of yourself. It usually symbolizes the most negative and least developed part of you. It may be that part of you that is ignorant and destructive. You can determine the meaning and message in your dream by looking at all of the details carefully. All dreams are good dreams in that they bring unconscious materials to the conscious mind. Only then can you begin to effectively cope with the more unpleasant sides of your personality. Carl Jung called this negative side the "shadow." The devils in your dreams could be representations of your personal shadow or they could be a glance at the collective shadow.


    In order to interpret the dream with a bus ride in it, the dreamer should make associations in regard to buses. The dream has very specific meaning depending on the individual's experiences on school buses, public transportation vehicles, special family trips, etc. At times the content of the dream may be more important than the actual setting. If the setting is secondary, then examine the other details of the dream more closely. However, if the bus and/or the bus ride was a focal point of the dream consider the value that it holds for you. Does this dream say something about your ability to "fit in" and join a group effort, project, or trip? Do you function well in group settings? Are you a leader or a follower in such situations, and what is your comfort level? This dream could also reflect a part of your life (or the journey of your life) which involved many other people who seemed to be on a same path. It could be your family, friends, schoolmates or co-workers.


    If you are experiencing great fear in your dreams, you are having nightmares. These types of dreams are positive because your unconscious mind is trying to tell you something. If you have repressed issues, they may be coming to the surface. Think about the fear in your dreams and try to be honest with yourself. Face your fears and as a great American president once said "There is nothing to fear, but fear itself." Having fearful dreams seems to be relatively common. Most dreams are unpleasant and that is the nature of our private unconscious. Issues and concerns, repressed emotions, and daily stress all contribute to an uneasy sleep and to fear filled dreams.

  3. i don't know but if i saw the devil i would pound him :)

  4. Devil

    To see the devil in your dream, signifies negative aspects of yourself. It may also indicate feelings of guilt that you have been harboring. It is time to release these feelings. Alternatively, the devil may represent intelligence, cunningness, deception, and cleverness.

    To dream that the devil talks to you, signifies that you will find some temptations hard to resist even though you know it is not in your best interest.

    To dream that you and the devils were in friendly terms, suggests that you may be seduced and tempted  into doing something you do not want to do.  You may be dealing with issues of morality.

    check out the link

    I had a nightmare of the devil! laugh as you may but he tried to sexually assault! I know that feeling your talking about. I woke up with pins and needles head to toe! still a little freaked out about it! more than happy to tell you more if you need any more info.

  5. A bus is transportation and could symbolize your forward view.  You are in a group, do you go along with the crowd?  The devil is a symbol and considering your detailed description of your feelings the devil is a symbol of negetivity.  You may be harboring some very negitive emotions that someone in your life may have called evil.  Having negitive emotions are not evil, it is how you deal with them that is good or bad.

    You are dealing with something and its big bad and scary.  I suggest that you try to identify what it is you  feel so badly about.  And in this case I would suggest you talk to a counselor about it as the devil is the ultimate and dealing with it alone may be beyond you.  

    Please be kind to yourself and remember the devil in your dream is not going to jump out at you he is there to make sure you pay attention to what ever is worrying you.

    Good luck.

  6. To dream that you are riding a bus, implies that you are going along with the crowd. You are lacking originality and are taking no control over where your life is taking.

    To see the devil in your dream, signifies negative aspects of yourself. It may also indicate feelings of guilt that you have been harboring. It is time to release these feelings. Alternatively, the devil may represent intelligence, cunningness, deception, and cleverness.

    To dream that the devil talks to you, signifies that you will find some temptations hard to resist even though you know it is not in your best interest.

    To dream that you feel fear, signifies that you achievements will not be as successful as you had anticipated. You are having anxieties in certain circumstances of your life.

    To dream that you are scared, indicates that you are experiencing self-doubt and feelings of incompetence. You may be feeling a lack of control. Anger often masquerades as fear, so also consider issues about which you are angry about in your waking life.

    Nightmares are a subcategory of dreams. The distinction of a nightmare is its frightening and/or emotional content. You tend to wake up in fear in the midst of a nightmare. Because of its frightening nature, you tend to remember your nightmares and the vivid details. They have a bigger impact upon your waking mind and its images stay with you throughout the day. One reason for nightmares may be a way of our unconscious to get our attention about a situation or problem that you have been avoiding. It is time to take notice and confront a problem or situation. Nightmares serve an important purpose in showing you what is troubling you from within you deeper levels. Discussing, analyzing, and understanding your nightmares can lead to a solution for some problem, internal conflict or personal difficulty.

    Causes Of Nightmares

    In general, stress, trauma, fears, insecurities, feelings of inadequacy, health problems, marital issues, etc may all be reasons for having nightmares:

    Childhood and Family - Present nightmares can be rooted in past neglect and trauma from childhood. From lack of love, neglect, alcoholism, to severe abuse, family members can be the most destructive influence on a person's life. Nightmares may be a sign of such inner turmoil.

    Life - The way your life is going and the larger society as a whole can contribute to nightmares. Your perception of the world, heath, natural disasters, criticism about politics, finances, crime in the streets and your inability to control such events may sometimes lead to nightmares.

    Relationships - Your intimate relationships and  your daily interactions with people can also be a source of your nightmares.  Marital difficulties or pregnancy are other possible causes.. You may be paranoid about how your think others perceive you or fear that others do not understand and see who you really are. Isolation and unhappiness may appear in nightmares as abandonment and loneliness.

    Stress - The way you handle and deal with stress can trigger nightmares. Nightmares are a normal response to unacceptable levels of fear and stress. People diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder frequently have nightmares about their traumatic event, like war, rape, death of a loved one, car accident, plane crash, terrorism, etc.

    Work - Since most of us spend the majority of our day at work, it is no surprise that work-related issues are a common source for your nightmares. Stress, job security (or there lack of), change in jobs, co-workers,  unresolved work problems, or general dissatisfaction with what you do can manifest into a nightmare. The nightmare may reflect feelings of frustration and an inability to control your work-related issues. People in high-stress level or high-risk jobs often report of having nightmares. Nightmares of this nature may appear as you being attacked, chased, or being out of control.

    Having nightmares are normal, but a high frequency of nightmares can be a sign of being overwhelmed and excessive stress which should be dealt with. Nightmares can be an important resource for self-knowledge and emotional discovery. They convey an important message and help clear up the conflict in your life. it is important to distance yourself and work pass the emotional content (fear, grief, anger, etc.) of your nightmare and analyze it from an objective perspective. The disturbing emotions may be a way for your unconscious to prevent you from digging deep into the meaning of your nightmares.   Sometimes rehearsing or reliving the nightmare while you are awake and then changing the nightmare's content or outcome helps to dismantle the nightmare, breaking it down.  Although it may be difficult at times, it pays to try and make sense of those darker dreams.

  7. What did the devil look like? :O

  8. I had a dream about the devil once, the important thing to remember is just that- it's a dream. What did the devil look like in your dream? I found the devil looked like he had in a film I once watched, confirming to me that this was about my thoughts not some kind of evil experience.

    Think about what the devil represents to you (evil, horror?) and how those things make you feel in yourself. Then ask yourself why you might have been feeling those things that day- was something coming up in life that worries you. What do you associate with the bus? with game shows?

    If you break all of these things down you'll find your answer. I hope you sleep better tonight!

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