
Dreaming , does it mean anything?

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ok so ever since i was 9 almost 10 i've been having the same dream, i never dream anything new unless its abt this one family. sometimes im the girl and i see it from eyes view other times i see it as though i was like a camera and i see everything including girl. as i grow in RL so does she and her family.

anyways ok so the girl i never know her name but i know all the family members names and friends. if you were to take me to this city i could walk to the street where she lived on. i've never seen any of these ppl in moves or heared about them AT ALL. i can tell you years worth of info on her but something tells me shes REAL. like thats me and i dont know it or its something like that. am i reach into this too far.




  1. wow! that is quite scary but interesting... I've heard that dreams can mean things, also i have dreampt of many thing and later on in life they are real, but that's weird that you're been having the same dream about this one girl.

    I do think there is some connection between you and the girl in the dream..

  2. its a warning it can be that dis girl and her family suffers or 1 of them going to die.. it can be your tro love, go to the city and go to the (dreaming house) knock at the door and ask them if they can control peoples minds!!(i need 10 points)

  3. Do you have any idea if the city is real? And if it is, ask your parents to go to it, and look for the street in your dream. And if you just happen to see the girl in your dream...thats AWESOME!!!!!! I had 3 of the SAME EXACT dreams once..but with different people, Jesse McCartney, Pete Wentz ,and the Jonas Brothers. But maybe she'll be like your daughter in the future. When I was little, like 5, I used to have dreams that had stuff in them that would actually happen to me the next day. At the time I thought it was cool..... I'm 12 and I still think it's pretty cool...=) And no your not reaching into this too far. Of course your wondering what this whole thing is about! Don't worry you'll find out one day! Oh try to google the street! Maybe someone is trying to give you a sign that someone needs help? I dont know but it is a quite weird dream.

  4. I have never had such recurring dreams. I would check it out or even write a book. Makes a good novel. Perhaps authors are born this way. But first.. go there and check it out. Otherwise, I would write the book and then you might get a different dream to write about.

  5. Maybe your dreaming of someone you will meet in the future.  I believe it is possible.  Or maybe it's your sub concious giving you a break from your daily life.  I had dreampt of two different places before I had ever been there.

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