
Dreaming At First Stage Of Sleep?

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Is it possible to have a slight dream at the first instance of sleep where you are b/w conciously awake and asleep? They seem to last only a few seconds and I awake in suprise.

Could they be visions instead?

Thank you <3




  1. Yeah...I don&#039;t get this either. o_o It&#039;s like you fall asleep [or at least it feels like you are] for a few seconds, and you wake up surprisingly [mostly with a shake].

  2. There is &quot;something&quot; akin to a dream that often happens as we drop off to sleep and our brain experiences &quot;theta wave&quot; activity, but in scientific terms that&#039;s not dreaming. Dreaming is defined as the beta brain wave pattern that you experience at the end of a sleep cycle when you go after stage 4 and return to stage 1 sleep. This beta activity is called REM sleep. The theta wave is called NREM sleep (non REM sleep) and this dropping off &quot;dream state&quot; is studied by the scientific community as &quot;frontal mid-line theta rhythm during sleep and its relation to mental activity.&quot; Whew! The study also says that subjects &quot;reported dream and distinct mentations more frequently when awakened from stage 1 of NREM sleep WITH Fm theta than when awakened from stage 1 of NREM sleep WITHOUT Fm theta.&quot; So, it&#039;s theta rhythms that cause the mental activity (mentation) or as you are calling it &quot;vision&quot; when you start to fall asleep. It&#039;s not some psychic vision though, if that&#039;s what you&#039;re asking. It&#039;s normal brain wave activity. We all do it, unless we have some sleep disorder.

    My conclusion? No futher tests neeed--you&#039;re completely normal!!!

    ** peace **

  3. im not sure... it could happen though....

    are u sure its a dream or just u thinking something up???

  4. I get those all the time, do you make up dreams before you go to sleep? because i do and then i will start to dream about what ever i was dreaming about earlier... then like you, i wake up from surprise... they could be visions, depends on what you are dreaming about, if it is something un real like it actually raining cats and dogs... THEN obviously not... but if it actually could be real... who knows? maybe it is, just wait and see if they come true.

  5. The state between sleep and wakefulness is called the hypnagogic state and sometimes dreamlike episodes occur

    which can be surprising. They are not visions as such, which I believe are more intense and almost real.

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