
Dreaming Of Chewing Razor Blades? Help?

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Hey All! I need a little help on a dream. Sorry for the bad punctuation, I was trying to type it before I forgot it!

"I had a dream of chewing razor blades. and when i pulled one out it was really fine and chewed up and then i had another one come out of my mouth but it was whole.. and i thought it wouldnt chew up because it was stainless steel. and then i felt blood and the taste of the blood. and then i thought uh oh its going into my stomach.. when i thought it was going to go to my stomach i woke up. After I woke up i didnt feel too good..

I have NO idea what this dream means and would love some help.. thanks!





  1. dream dictionary its your best bet here is one

  2. Be careful ; because you can be cheated b y your girlfriend ; and it will hurt ; more than you had thought

  3. Chewing the razorblades is a metaphor.  It signifies that you are dealing with something that is nearly impossible to get out of without getting hurt, be it physical or (most likely) emotional.  You're probably sacrificing your own well-being for the sake of someone else, and your subconscious knows that your making a mistake.  It is pretty much telling you: "What you're doing is about as stupid as THIS."

    And the "not feeling good" when you woke up is just a lingering physical side effect from the scare of the dream.  It's nothing to worry about.

  4. OK... here goes!

    The razor blades represent "sharp" words that you are NOT saying, for the most part.  You are "eating" or "swallowing" them instead because you don't want to hurt people.  But you are holding in a lot of feelings you may need to express.  It's true, those "razor words" DO go to your stomach. Holding in all your hurt and negative feelings can cause ulcers!

    The razor  that came out of your mouth that was really fine and chewed up probably represents a time you found a way to express these negative things in a way that was sweet and easy for the other person to handle.

    The time the blade came out of your mouth whole represents the times you've actually came out and said what you feel without "refining" your words to be sweeter and easier for the other person to handle.

    Pray for wisdom.  It's not always easy to know when to speak,and when to keep things in.  Over time, however, if there are issues that need to be faced, or someone's behavior needs to be confronted, it will end up hurting everyone concerned.  You'll reach the point where you'll "blow up" and release all those blades at once, and then the harm will be SO deadly.  It is better to address each situation as it occurs instead of letting your frustration, hurt and anger build up.

    Ask God to show you what you need to say, and when you need to say it.  When you know you will be dealing with a person or situation, pray before you see them, if possible, for God to guide the interaction.  Pray about it daily, because I know you cannot always anticipate these events.  It may even be necessary to set aside a time to discuss these issues if the problems have been ongoing for awhile.  

    I've noticed that people who express themselves as problems occur seem to manage to deal with people and situations better.  People, like me, who hold things in, tend to reach the point where they cannot take it any  more.  Then, we either let all the hurt out at once, or we withdraw from the situation entirely to get out of the stress.  I know I have left jobs in the past because I didn't handle conflict or confrontation well.  I just kept "taking it" and it stayed on my mind CONSTANTLY.  Looking back, I think I understand how I would have done better to deal with each situation separately, going to the supervisor as needed, even.  Instead, I just kept "stuffing it down" inside myself.   With family situations, I keep "stuffing it down" til I finally just "break" and let all my emotions out in an overwhelming way, crying, etc.  Things that might have been smaller, if dealt with one at at time, build up to volcano level.

    I HOPE I've learned from all this, to state my case and do what is needed as each problem comes up.  I have noticed I do express myself more frequently, even if it means I'm going to cry in the process.  I used to hold it in, and that led to the point that I couldn't anymore.  Now, I know I'll cry if I talk about things that hurt me, but I've decided if that person has pushed me to the point of tears, they need to deal with that part of the reality we are living.  Does that make sense?  

    This often leads to dialog, and I might even end up seeing that I have a part in the problem as well, as the discussions continue.  But, it clears the air.  ;- D

    God bless you!


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