In the past two weeks I have had dreams about Dolphins... what does this mean?
The most clear dream I had went like this:
I was in a boat with some people I didnt know and my best friend. We had a safe (Like a box that locks shut) but it had fallen into the ocean. Everyone was freaking out about the contents left in this box, but nobody was strong enough to swim for it except for me. I have no idea what was in the box, but I was given a small air tank and started to swim towards it while everyone on the boat was freaking out. As I was going towards the box, this dolphin came and I held its fin while it took me safely to the box, protecting me from any dangerous animals... it then proceeded to help me back to the surface once I gathered the contents of the safe. I never did find out what was in the safe, but everyone was relieved... the dolphin then followed our boat and I woke up... What does this mean? Dream Decoding anyone?