
Dreaming about My boyfriends dead wife?

by  |  earlier

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I have been with my boyfriend for 2 years now, and i believe we are very much in love. Over the last month i have been having dreams about his wife, who died in 2004. She doesnt talk to me often in these dreams, she just shows me things. When i wake up i cant shake this feeling like she is watching me. last night was the hardest i seen her tombstone and it had her maiden name on it and her birth and death dates. I never knew the actual day she died only that it was in 2004 and i didnt know her middle name but it was in my dream. I asked my boyfriend about these things and he got freaked out because he knows he never told me some of this info. The dreams are getting more frequent and more intense and i dont know what to do. The things she shows me in these dreams always turn out to be real, so how do i deal with this.




  1. she is must likey showing you how she died or thing about your boyfriend that happend to her (like abbusing her and is trying to help you) or she does not like you being with him well thats what i think at least and i kind of want to know what happends so whould you email me i could figure this out

  2. I would start a dream journal and see where it takes me.

  3. Maybe she's trying to get you to see something, and by showing you things you can prove correct now, you'll believe her when she tells you the thing she has to tell you

  4. well think about what she is trying to show you.

  5. wow that is really freaky. it sounds like she is trying to tell you something or maybe warn you about something! that is very strange. i really dont know why that would happen unless it was what i said. hope you luck on finding something out.

  6. It could be a sign from her! Why I know this you ask? Because there are lot of people just like you, who get a message from the dead in anyway.

    And no its not from a movie! It can happen in real life

    So the dreams your having of her. She may be trying to tell you something of what happen or trying to speak to you about something.

    Since that was her wife, and so the wife is goin into your head, on to your dreams to give you a message.

    When you told your boyfriend about this dream and he got really freak out. What could that tell you??

    Hun...When you get this dream again. Try to listen well to it. And see what she is trying to say. If you can...(even tho your sleeping) Try to speak to it, even tho if you dont see her.

    Just try to say this..... Do you have a message for me? Or Give me a sign??

    ( And when you try to speak to it in your dreams. I'll give you a tip of how to remember to do it. )  Say this over and over, all day long or just say it in your head all day long. Until it gets too hook on. Then when you go to sleep and have this dream. Speak to it.

    If you get a message. Listen!

    When you wake up!!!

    Heres another thing you can do. But do it durning the night only!

    You can do this as a group, maybe with your boyfriend and some other friends, or whoever to this. Or you can just do this on your own. Eather way....

    Next... Place about 10 - 15 candles around a room or a living room. ( Or if you want to do it out side. Make sure its in a priveted area. That no one can bother you ) And when you get the candles. Make sure its a color candle with the glass cup to it. Or you can just get a small, but kinda round and fat looking, red or white candle. Any of thos will do.

    And like said.... place some in some parts of the area.

    And the rest in a small cercle.  Then next...

    you will need to get out your spell book. You can buy one of thos books at a book store. Make sure its a book of where your going to call on the living dead.

    ( Read what it says in the book) And you should be good for the rest!

    If you getting a calling from her. Dont be scared! She may is just trying to tell you something.

    But becarefull. Dont make fun or try to scare her, or make her mad.

    Here is my e-mail address if you need more help on what to do.....

    My name is Sara

  7. Understand that the feeling you are left with as the dream ends is always honest.  If you feel she is just guiding you, then good; if you feel repelled and uneasy, then she may be trying to warn you of something.

    Don't panic.  Use your judgment in this world to plan and run your life, just be aware of any moments that remind you of the dreams and pay closer attention to those particular matters.

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