
Dreaming about a friend?

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ok so i've been dreaming about flirting with an friend of mine. i dont really have much of an attraction for her in real life. she's taller than me and not really my type. (Plus she's a b!tc# sometimes)

but i've had dreams of just random flirting with her. not really dirty or anything just us hanging out and having fun. kinda like the start of a relationship before you start getting intimate. just testing limits and stuff. but i like the dreams. it makes me want to do this stuff with that person. =/ the problem is I have a fiance i love very much and i wanna know why i'm dreaming about this other person.

the last dream i had was at a moive with her and for some reason she was in a bed and i was tickling her leg. it was cute and made me smile when i woke up.

but seriously help! its ticking me off.




  1. If there was never any sexual tension, and there usually is between opposite gender friends, before..maybe you're thinking about her this way now cuz you've got cold feet about your wedding. A close friend, who's a girl, would be a good subconcious alternative to your fiance.

    Just a thought.

  2. I just posted my answer to a similar question:

    This happened to a circle of friends of mine. At the time, I had 2 platonic female friends. Both had a dream about me couple of times, and I had a dream of one of them. We told eachother about our dreams and laughed it off, but years later, the 2 girls confessed they had a feeling for me and I for the one I dreamt of...of whom I am now married to =)   But we all started as good friends.

    So, means subconsciously she is in your mind and maybe you do have a feeling for her eventhough you think you are incompatible. Good luck.

  3. You smiles because of a dream...weirdo.

  4. OKAY   So I am a girl.  not a guy.  And an old lady to boot.

    Can I help?

    I hope so.

    You have a fiance.    So that is a good start.   You have made a good commitment.  Which is more than some guys do.

    Examine yourself.   It seems to me that the GARBAGE is going through your mind in your dreams AND THAT THIS IS GARBAGE.  So trash it.   Empty the recycle button on it.

    Only way to do it is to say to yourself, this is not my bag.

    It is enticing.   But it is too much for me.  I cannot handle it.

    My faith in God tells me that if you have made a commitment, then you must believe there is value in keeping that commitment.

    When we sit in a chair, we know that chair is going to hold us up.  Or we believe so.

    So too, when we make a commitment, we believe, that by God's Help, I will be true to that person.

    Love starts with WILL choosing to Love that person till death do us part.

    Love begins with the desire to LOVE someone else as part of me, one with me, making meaning to my life.  

    Dreams often are the GARBAGE DUMP of the recesses of the soul, and sin and self and desires that are not good, just dump them.   Ask God who knows to set your focus on who God has given you.    Prepare yourself for her, and be the man you ought to be.    True, and kind, and good, and pure.

    In marriage s*x is not wrong.   Anywhere else, it is nothing but lust.

    Set your mind that God will control your sub conscious dreams and that He will give you a successful and good marriage.   Set your mind to loving that girl with your whole person, and full commitment, by the grace of God.

    Thank God for her, and pray for her, and know that you will always have temptations, but your God will give you the ability to say "no" to temptation just like Joseph in the Bible when Potiphar's wife kept tempting him.    

    Purity is hard to find these days.   Wait for the right girl, and trust God that if the commitment you made is the right one, that you will have the ability to say "no" even in your dreams.

    Bye now.   bmtsjune    Littlelady75

  5. Haha leg...

    Okay, have you ever thought that it might not be about your friend but your fiance? Maybe it's something you're worried about, or something your mind sees in her (well obviously relating to your friend) but yeah.. You probably don't have an attraction to her though I'd like to mention that the height differences is just a gender role in society so either way things wouldn't work out with you and her. If she were shorter it would be because she's not too nice, if she remains her height it's because of her height and because she's not too nice.

    @ Little lady: One time I met this lady at this restaurant who just suddenly went off into a tangent with me.. I have no idea, the waiters at the store were rolling their butts off.. But besides that, she told me that she had a reoccurring dream, and one day she got fed up with that dream and told the dream that she's tired of this s*** and to stop bugging her. After wards it stopped.

    There's a way to manipulate your dreams.

  6. Dream Dictionary:

    dreaming about a friend: the way you feel for that person

    movies:an aspect of your past or character that you do not wish to acknowledge, particular moods or realizations, depending on film; images of self and behavior projected from the unconsious

    bed: shows what exactly your are doing in the subtle areas of your relationship; intimacy, rest, the holy place in which you meet yourself and/or another person deeply

    leg: support; motivation; the emotional and physical strenght you use to get about in life. the legs represent your emotional or conceptional support system. so you may be considering, in your dream, what sense you have of your value.

    hope this helps!

  7. I wouldn't worry about it terms of your current relationship unless there is an issue there that needs addressing which is possible.  

    Usually in dreams when we dream about s*x or affection it isn't to be taken literally.  You said that it made you happy and wished you could do that with her, but you also said that she's a b**** sometimes.  Without having more information I would say you might look at your relationship with this person.  You may be expressing that you would like to get along with her better, that you would like your friendship to be a happy loving thing and not a stressful thing.  

    I would ask yourself about the specific actions while flirting with her.  Was it about the flirting or about feeling good?  You said they weren't overtly sexual more affectionate maybe?  If you feel this may be connected to your fiance, is there anything about this girl in the dreams that reminds you of your fiance?  Are these things that you do with or have done with your fiance?

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