
Dreaming about flying...?

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I have never actually had a dream about this. I dream about gliding. Once I dreamt that there was fairy dust at the bottom of old halloween bags, and then I would jump off of the roof of the playhouse and I would glide safely to the ground.

Another time, several years later (I had the other dream when I was about...10?), I dreamt that i was actually flying over the railroad tracks, following them. However, I had trouble turning - it was really awkward, it was like I had to push against the air just to turn 90 degrees.

What was really funny about my dream was that down below me in his big red van was my dad (who was the first person to talk with me about dreams of flying...he said that they were his favorite kind of dream), and he was shouting up at me, telling me "Oh that's an interesting technique I've never seen that one before!"

I think that I cannot actually have a dream about flying - maybe I think too much about it; instead I have these awkward gliding dreams. Your thoughts?




  1. I used to be able to fly in dreams.  I would just jump and shoot up 100 feet or so, then I could level out and fly like an airplane.  I usually did it to get out of some kind of trouble, like a car was coming.

    You know what I think it is?  When you're sleeping you're lying in a prone position so you feel like you're weightless, like your body doesn't weigh anything.  So you dream about flying.

  2. yeah it a good dream

    i had a dream i was in the sky really high and i jumped off with wings

  3. I LOVE flying dreams. Even gliding would be really fun. I once had this dream where i could flap my arms and legs and I could actually slow down the hangtime that i could have in the air, and eventually i could fly. IT WAS AWESOME! Too bad i thought it was real, but then I woke up. ><

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