
Dreaming in other languages.?

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I will sometimes dream in another language. I don't know what language it is, it's nothing I've ever heard before, but some of the words sound latin, and others sound aramaic, even though I don't know what language it is, i can understand it and speak it in my dreams. It's even written differently, the letters aren't anything i've ever seen before, but I can read and write it as well. These dreams are usually very short, and don't involve a lot of extraneous detail. The emphasis of the dreams, if there's such a thing, seems to be the different language.

In the waking world, I only speak two languages, english, and bad english.

I'd appreciate any insight out there.




  1. Could be that a past life is peeking through in your dreams.  Consider what is going on in your life around the time of the dreams and also the tone of the dreams.   See if you can remember any of the words you speak or read in the dreams.

    I can recall when I was sick with a high fever around the age of 15 and I was speaking in Spanish in my delirium.  I don't speak Spanish.  My conclusion is that a high fever puts you in a different state of consciousness and so do dreams.


  2. Sometimes items or clips flash over our mind or ears and we may dream about it.

    Dreaming of speaking other languages may symbolize things you want to take control of.  The other languages came into your mind may mean that you want to have certain ability to be somebody.  That language skills may manifest the need of being recognized.  And that is why you had that dreamed out in your head.

    However, if you have heard someone speaking foreign language in waking life, that may blend into your subconscious mind and deep down you wanted to understand what they mean and that is another possibility that you dreamed about it.

  3. Sometimes words that sound foreign in a dream are really attempts by the spirit to communicate in English.  For example, one time I had a little auditory hallucination in which I heard what sounded like "Abineezi"  But as I thought about what I was going through at the time, a mental transformation, I thought that "Abineezi", when pronounced, sounds just like, "Happen easy."  The spirit doesn't always communicate in real words in dreams or little auditory quirks in reality.  Sometimes it's short phrases or even parts of words.  As soon as you get the picture or anticipate what's going to be said, the experience cuts off because you got it.  Congrats!

    But yeah, think back on the dream to some of the phrases you heard, and see if you can make out any English words in what you heard to give you clues as to the dream's meaning.  Also, when interpreting the words, interpret from the perspective of what you'd like to be and do for all eternity, not just in this body, on this planet.


  4. I was told by a therapist that you need to consider the feelings and emotions in the dream and not so much the content. She said when you start looking at the feelings you experience during the dream then you are getting an idea where your subconcious thoughts are. If you do this regulary then you really start to see the patterns in your dreams reflecting how you are feeling in life at the time.

  5. hmmm.. well, I've only heard of "odd" languages that sound similar to middle eastern or whatever languages in Christianity, you know, the gift of tongues. I am Christian and I've heard people in my church speak their own "language" and some can write theirs and understand it. However, since in your case it's just in your subconscious, I don't think it's anything more then dreams. But if you can read & write when you're awake, that's pretty awesome (side note, sorry), it may just be that your brain made up your own language.

  6. I used to dream in English when I was in my country.  I had no idea that I would come to live in the states.  

    I wonder if your dreams means that you will travel. and somehow live in another country.

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