
Dreaming of my sister who has passed and wake up crying ,?

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My dream is of my sister who died four years ago in a car crash, they are so vivid, in my recent dream shes so happy to see me , and i her , we hug and kiss and giggle its really beautiful, shes asking me where our brother is,then shes on a dirt road , shes calling my name and i tell her im here i'm comming to her., then she is on a motorbike , then we meet each-other on a dirt t section rd,shes wanting to see our brother trying to find him, wants me to take her to him.we see him sitting in a house the lights are on inside ,he turns to look out the window and he has huge grin on his face but tears streaming down face? please help me interpret this dream ....................




  1. Sorry to hear about your sister.

    Some people believe that the deceased actually visit you in your dreams.  It happened to my mom when she was younger.  You just have to be one of those people who believe in that stuff.

    "To see your dead sibling, relative, or friend in your dream, foretells that you will soon be called on for aid and assistance. It may also mean that you miss them and are trying to relive your old experiences you had with them. In trying to keep up with the pace of your daily waking life, you dreams may serve as your only outlet in coping and coming to terms with the loss of a loved one."

    So says

    Good luck!

  2. Sometimes it has been said that the deceased visit in dreams.  If this is true, then I must say that your sister misses you but she wants you all to be happy.  and your brother is simply happy to "see" her but misses her terribly.

  3. Basically, the state you see the deceased in is the actual condition they are in, in the grave.  If they appear content, then there are in peace, if they are discontented or irritated, upset, angry etc..., likewise, that is their state in death.  Seems someone is still mourning over her death.  This is not good.  The dead suffer and do not rest in peace if someoone is grieving over them.  Her questioning about your brother is curious as someone needs to look in on him or have him stop his mourning.  Furthermore, the dead can no longer perform any deeds, therefore they are at the mercy of the living to recall them and ask for forgiveness and God's mercy upon them.  The dead can hear the living, so what you say and how you remember her to others will be heard.  Whatever the dead say in a dream is the truth as they live in the world of truth, while we live in the world of deceit and lies.  Therefore, anything a deceased says, heed.   Your sister needs someone to pray for her and ask for forgiveness.  If you are able to perform deeds of kindness, charity or generosity on your sister's behalf, do so as this also will be to her and your favor.  As I said, she can no longer perform deeds, thus, any kindness you can do on her behalf will be a reward for her.  She comes to you in need of prayer. Do so.


  4. It truly is tears of joy. Just imagine. If your sister came back to life wouldn't you be crying? Well, you were with your sister and you started to cry because you love her and your finally with her again :]

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