
Dreaming of the dead???

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I was wondering what it could mean when you dream of one of your loved one that has been gone for 25 years? My brother Ralph drowned in florida when he was 18 and i had a dream about him after his death.Last night i had a dream he was alive and living with me.He was still the same age as he was when he died. Strangest thing is..he was a barber..go figure. Anyways..just wanted to know if anyone else has had this experience other then me and if it means anything? Thank you.




  1. I know how this is. ALthough i am young, i've lost a lot of loved ones, including pets.

    My cat died this past thanksgiving, and every night i dream about him. That he's with me, and that life is fine again.

    You are dreaming of him because you miss him. He also might be trying to send you a message that he's Okay. If these are good dreams, then he's fine, and he wants you to be fine as well.

    I hope this helped.

    Probably not, but i tried.

    Hang in there!

  2. I have dreams with Mom and Dad in them, and also pets that have been gone forever! I have never had a dream with my sister in it though. I wonder why.

  3. I am not understanding why the stange part of all this is that he was a barber. Please explain why this is the information that makes the story strange.

    It is just a dream, I wouldnt read too deeply into it. If you were close to him, maybe you were just thinking about him.

    Its not really any stranger to dream about someone who has passed away than someone who is alive.

    If you are implying that his ghost was visiting you in your dreams, which you did not say, but you did post this in paranormal, implying some paranormal element to the question.....foget about it.

    I dream about my wife and kids and brothers all the time, and they are alive. Are they visiting me in my dream? I doubt it, they are just dreams. Why would it be any different if I had a dream about my deceased uncle? It would still just be a dream.

  4. Y are you asking this question i don't know but its weired. And no

  5. It means he's visiting you. He's lonely or just wants to talk; see whats up.

  6. It means the loved one was important to you and you think about this person a lot. That's why you dream about him from time to time. I have those kind of dreams too, now and then.

  7. I've had a couple of dreams of loved ones that have passed. Each one came when I needed comfort concerning their deaths.

  8. There are typically two beliefs regarding dreaming of the dead. Psychologists believe that at night, when we dream, we are working through the day's problems - so perhaps you didn't realize it but it is actually close to either his birthday or the day he died, or some other important date, and your subconscious knows this and is working through that information once again. The second belief, held more by spiritualists and those who endorse afterlife communication, is that when we enter REM sleep we are able to interact with other spiritual beings and travel (out of body travel or astral project). This "letting go of our rational mind" per say is believed to allow the deceased to once again communicate with us, so if you subscribe to this belief then it is possible that your brother has come to say hello, or maybe even let you know what he's doing on "the other side."

  9. hey <ur name>

    i've not experienced it before

    but this means that u love him very much

    and that barber thing just resembles ur dream to perfection

    mybe he loves u 2

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