
Dreaming that my husband gave a "friendship ring" to another woman?

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my dream last night was quite painful ( emotionally that is). a lady ( can't remember her face or her name) was showing off a ring that my husband gave her( while we are still married in the dream). I asked my husband about it and he said there no real meaning behind it... just for friendship. the ring is not specially beautiful or valuable, but the gesture hurt me and in my dream I can feel the pain. Do you have any idea what this means? My husband and I do not particularly have trouble in our marriage ( well not that I know of) so this dream seems a little bit odd and as I said--painful. your input is appreciated thanks




  1. This is all heresay, it's so even in the dream.  You've just dealt with a possibility that will never occur.  Understandable that it was agonizing as it will never be again since you've just experienced a manifestation of a fear you have.  That's all.  There's nothing foretelling here. This was just a playing out of your own concern that you have not dwelt on much either, nevertheless, it's done and over with.


  2. Perhaps this is just an example of how you can be jealous of other women around your husband? ...just my thoughts.

  3. It could mean that you think your husband might be "having special friends" and you not knowing about it. Also it could be that this has happened before to you or someone you know and you think that it might happen to you. Though you have a good relationship with your partner you subconsciousness can sometimes play out your worst fear, also are you spending enough time with him because sometimes this can cause this.

  4. Is there another woman who you view as competition for your husband's time and attention?  His mom?  His sister?  A friend?

    Or, perhaps you have some other competition... his job, sports, a boat?  Something that takes up a lot of his time, and that he has spend money on that you felt might have been better invested in something the two of you could enjoy?

    Think about it.  Pray for wisdom.


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