Ever since I can remember, I've remembered my dreams. I am aware I'm dreaming, while I dream, I guess thats called lucid dreaming. Sometimes I can decide what happens in my dreams. Now the problem is that I wake up exhuasted. The only time I sleep well is when I can't remember my dreams. I came to the, very unprofessional, conclusion, that my mind is too focused on my dreams, and it doesn't rest. Is there anyway, I can practice not remembering my dreams? Kind of like an anti-dream-diary. I know it sounds rediculous, but I'd just like to sleep. I'd like to stop dreaming the things I dream. I often have night mares. I'm a healthy 19 year old female. I'm probably 10lbs overweight, and I don't snore, so I doubt its sleep apnea, but you never know. If you need any other details, let me know. Thanks.