
Dreams, why is this happening?

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I've never understood my dreams. But, for about a month now I've been having the same type of dream over and over again. The dream is me, living with my cousin Jason and then, coming back home from school with tears in my eyes, and holding a detention paper for Jason to sign. Then the dream turns into an argument with Jason and I. Then I wake up when Jason says I'm grounded.

Why the heck am I having these dreams. I don't live with Jason, I live with my parents. And I don't get worked up over a detention. It's very confusing... maybe someone on Yahoo Answers will be able to help me.




  1. Apparently you love Jason a lot and want him to approve of you.  If there are some things that you have done that you fear will disappoint him, that would explain the dream.  

    You are afraid he will disapprove of something you've done, or some of the things you do, and you will try to change his mind about you (or your habits) and that it will destroy your relationship with Jason.

    Think about WHY you love Jason so much and whether his opinion really important to you.  If it is, why do you think he will be disappointed?  Perhaps he is right about some things and you might actually want to consider making some changes in your life, for the better.

    Pray for God to give you wisdom and show you how to handle yourself during Jason's visit.  Perhaps Jason will have some wisdom to share with you.  Try not to be defensive.  give him a chance, listen to him.  You love this guy a lot for SOME reason, so maybe his opinion and advice will be helpful for you.  

    God bless you.


  2. Dreams are not literal but symbolic.  With that said, Jason has a quality in him that mirrors you.  Since you dream about him often that would indicate the two of you have a lot of the same characteristics.  You may not notice this because it could be on a subconscious level.

    Jason signing a detention has to do with his name and names = identity.  Again this reiterates some qualities in him that mirror your own.  Detention means you did something wrong and it cuts into your free time.  Is Jason or yourself a trouble maker?  The argument is most likely with yourself about how you don't want to be like him in any way.

    If you don't see any characteristics in yourself that Jason has just think on it awhile and some will come to you.  If they are on a subconscious level it will take some time before you discover them.  Once you figure these out the dreams will most likely stop.

    Hope this was helpful

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