
Dreams About Smoking Weed?

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I keep having theese dreams where i smoked marijuana(weed)

In my first dream it was with a group of friends.

in my seocnd one it was me all alone in my room.

In the second dreamed i expercianed being high, my vision blurred and didnt know what i was doing.

what could be causing these dreams? D:




  1. you probably want to get high then.

    try it once, it's not that bad. no worse than watching tv or playing video games all day.

  2. thats a sign from god saying he wants you to smoke weed and trust me its the best sh*t god made

  3. Did you ever try it? If so im assuming your brain wants to experience it again. Its not hard to find anymore thats for sure..

  4. Your Brain, when you reach REM, (deep sleep) the chemicals in your brain produce dreams, most of the time they have no rhyme or reason

  5. "To see, smell or use marijuana in your dream, suggests that you are experiencing an expanded sense of awareness and consciousness. You need to take advantage and draw insight from this new consciousness. The dream may also mean that you need to look on your inner strength for stimulation instead of relying on outside forces."

  6. ur a pothead man

    everyone in this world is meant to do something

    u were meant to smoke weed

    go for it and don't get caught

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