
Dreams HELP?

by Guest58823  |  earlier

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I have this iv had these dreams since i was 4 years old!!...Its scary its like im dying i can feal the pain and everything but its not me its always someone else!!....ill wakeup but i cant move theres so much preasure on me and stuff and sometimes when i wake up theres bruises and bleeding...a couple days or weeks even months theres always a story on the news about what happend to me in my dreams...well of course not me but yea and of course my doctor knows my mom took me there wen i was little i had that whole sleep study c**p and stuff((not fun the beds are uncomfortable))...WHAT AM I??... what do i do to stop these dreams!!




  1. you either have a special power that you can talk to the dead but bad spirits are following you or mad at other words your probably a physic.

  2. Uh, You wake up bleeding and have bruises? creepy.    :  .

  3. Sweetheart,

    If you're having these experiences, it seems to me it is because SOMEONE opened the door to allow spiritual entities into your life and harass you.  If your family is in any away involved in the occult, or have been in the past, this has left you unprotected from evil spiritual forces and they are preying on you.

    This is not a gift of prophecy from God, because He would not make you absorb the pain of these molested people.  

    Pray to God and ask HIM to deliver you from this evil and protect you.  Ask HIM to be your guardian, your shield, and your hiding place.  Pray ALWAYS before going to sleep and ask the God will protect your from being attacked by evil in your sleep.  Just tell Him you want to claim the protection offered you through His Son, Jesus.  Demons both hate and fear Him and must obey Him.

    You are precious beyond measure and the evil one wants to keep you for himself, but if you trust yourself to God and do not invite the evil back in, God will protect you.



  4. You ae most likely sooo connected with your dreams that you may move around a lot in your sleep and hurt yourslef. Or you may have a spiritual connnection.

  5. you could be conflicting the pain on yourself. try not sleeping for a night. but I KNOW WHAT THATS ABOUT!!!! omg i just figured it out! ok if you have any idea who you are in the dreams that infermation wouild help alot! like maybe in your dream go look in a merior.hopefully you know the person. weather its a close friend or something. becuse maybe that person is getting physically abused and somehow its getting to you witch means you have to stop it of help the person. buit what evers herting you maybe thats a symble of something else! i can give you more help add me on myspace

    im interested btw my last name is carey.

    i can help!
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