
Dreams & Interpretation?

by  |  earlier

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Well, you see, me and my boyfriend are in this relationship for almost 10 months now. But the funny thing is that this is a long distance relationship and we haven't really seen each other yet (yup..we met through the net).

Within our first two months of our relationship, I had a dream about him. I saw a guy dressed up all in black; the weather in the backround was heavy & dark. I remember being so scared. I can't remember what he looks like but something was telling me that the guy is my boyfriend. My dream ended there.

I had a second dream about him again a few months after that. In my dream, I was with my family & we were walking to the church. When we finally reached the 'gate', I told my family to go ahead bcuz I'm gonna wait for someone. I waited (and it wasn't really a long wait) then this guy came. I didn't see the face but I know that it's him. We held hands and, instead of walking towards the church, we walked off to a different direction instead.

Later on, my bf told me that he had a dream about me. Apparently, in his dream, we're living in the same house but ironically, we never get a chance to meet. Whenever he is present in the house, I'm not and vice versa. He told me that in his dream, he tried something out so we could meet but it didn't work.

Months after that, I had a dream about him again. My friend & I was planning to go to his place as he was having a bday party. But my friend decided not to come with me so my dad volunteered to go with me. But my dad didn't know that I was heading for my bf's place. We didn't get a chance to go straight away as there were things that delayed me & my dad. My bf called in my mobile/cellphone & he asked me if I'm still going. I told him, 'yeah'. Then when I looked ahead, there was this long road & I can't remember whether the road is going up or down. But it's a slopy kind of road.

To me, my dreams and his dream are closely related. But could I be wrong? What do you think these dreams mean?

Sensible answers are much appreciated. Thank you =)




  1. The first dream he was your shadow.  An aspect of yourself that you repressed.  Opposites attract.

    The second dream:  Your putting your b/f's wants and needs ahead of yourself and others.  Who is delaying the two of you actually meeting face to face?

    The third dream.  You feel your b/f is really a part of your life, but that's not the case, otherwise you would meet him.

    The last dream. Now It looks like your having doubts about this relationship due to some communication issues.  You feel that the wait is to long, and since you don't really know him in real time there is a worry if he is on the up and up or will lead you down hill.

    Good Luck!

  2. here are some great sites that you can use to interpret your dreams in full...

    use the dream dictionaries...

  3. You are doing a lot of dreaming there.. Remember dreams are purely random thoughts that are sometimes related to our subconscious thoughts, but not usually.

    I think you need to meet this guy before you go any further. There is no substitute for meeting face to face and you may find that after 10 months of building up your hopes that he's not the 'guy of your dreams' after all. Believe me, I've been there!

  4. maybe it's your subconscious piecing together whats happening with yous and about your fears with what is going on!!!

    can you look at mine plz

  5. Dreams can be affected imagination ofcourse. Thsi whole thing is about your imaginations, never seen each-other, etc. I would suggest you may be a person with strong feelings, but in reality these dreams mean nothing.

  6. your body is aware that you havent met, and this comes across in your dreams. Maybe you and your fella are destined not to meet. To you he seems a long way away and he is almost a mystery to you. I wouldnt dwell on it, dreams are after all dreams

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