
Dreams about grabbing guys balls?

by  |  earlier

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this might be SO wierd, but i keep having these dreams where i see a guy and we start to kiss but i keep grabbing his balls. and last night i just had another one like it where the ONLY thing i remember was grabbing this guys balls and trying to give him a handjob. But yeah, i just wondered what anyone else thought it might mean!




  1. You are a horny gal.

  2. It could mean a couple of things.

    First - it could mean you need some extra nerve to do something.  Per the saying, "Get some balls"

    Second - it could mean you are anxious about s*x in some way.

    Think about these 2 things and deal with it in an appropriate manner.  

    I've also attached an article and the end of the article links to a dream dictionary.  Just in case those answers don't help out.  

    Best of luck!!

  3. HORNY HORNY HORNY!!!!!!!!

  4. I think that it means that you're a horny devil!

  5. I agree with the others; you're just horny! :-D

  6. You are horny and want to do it in real life! He he!

  7. I don't think this weird.

    You want to get power. In the dream, you can do this by having s*x.

    Talk and flirt with guys. See what this makes you think of.

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