
Dreams about heaven?

by  |  earlier

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ok so last night i had this really bizare dream. I was dead and went to "heaven" but it turned out that before you enter heaven, you have to pass a certain test. I arrived at this humungous junkyard. There were tons of people scurrying around picking up odd pieces of trash and putting them together to create "trophies" . In order to get to heaven, you had to construct a trophie and present it to god, a large man with a long white beard who sat on top of trash mountain. Now I presented my trophie to the trash god, and all of a sudden the mountain collapsed, and i woke up. I never found out if i got into heaven or not... CAN ANYONE PLEASE TELL ME WHAT THIS DREAM MEANS?!?!?!?!




  1. To want to see heaven in your dream, signifies your desires to find perfect happiness. You may be trying to escape from the difficulties you are experiencing in your life. And your dream serves as a medium in which you can restore your faith, optimism, and hopes.

    I've had dreams of heaven. It wasn't heaven as I expected it to be. We also had contests. People were divided into groups and had to be on this car that was driven by someone I don't know. The car was driven so fast at this creepy area we went to. And if you fell from the car. your not going to heaven and there's no way out of that place.

  2. Heaven in dreams :

    Seeing heaven in your dream means your desires to find perfect happiness. You may be trying to escape from the difficulties you are experiencing in your life. And your dream serves as a medium in which you can restore your faith, optimism, and hopes.

  3. The dream shows me your inner awareness of a need to know and connect with the one true God, our creator. There is no "test" only faith in Jesus the Christ.  All the scurrying people are searching for the same thing but  under false teachings.  The trophies are "worldly idols" or "works" none of which will win you anything but death of your soul.  The trash god is of course a false god.  All trash gods will collapse in the end.  There is no need to build a trophy.  You did not get into heaven.  Don't panic because - you can.  It is by faith in the blood of Jesus alone.  The phrase 'seek and ye shall find' means to read the word of God, pray for wisdom.  Beware of false gods and teachings they are everywhere.

  4. Your dream is one of the most unique I have ever come across, but I think I have your solution.  The junkyard is an easy  symbol to decipher: the trash aspect, of course, symbolizes all of the sins that you have committed in your life.  In the dream god asks you to create a "trophy", which could be interpreted as his asking you to justify your sins.  I think you were experiencing something the Olmec Indians referred to as "Boch-Wraphnasta (pronounced Bosh-wraf-ha-nice-ta), which can be loosely translated to "Pre-umptive Holy Judgement".  You presented your trophy, your sins, to God and in doing so your mountain of guilt has collapsed.  Consider this to a new beginning for you; A fresh Start.  However I would consider this to also be a message from God.  His absolving of your prior sins displays his wish for you to change your ways.  Stop creating trash, and when you do change it into compost to feed your spiritual garden.
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