
Dreams about making out with random people?

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I get dreams where I'm making out with random people I have never even seen.

And sometimes it goes even further than just making out.

I fall in love with every one of these random guys too..

What does these dreams mean?




  1. it means you should do p**n.

  2. Maybe you just dont have a reallife man to project your sexual urge to.  Or if you do have a man in your life, there's something missing in him (ie. he's not your ideal).

    People have different libido, I never dream of having s*x with any guy.  I only had one kissing and dancing dream.

    There's also a theory that people dream in order to solve problem that create a lot of anxiety in their waking lives.  Eg. exam, finding a parking spot.

    Maybe you have some unsolved issues regarding to making out.

  3. im guessing ur a virgin

  4. Well,I have dreams like that to. And sometimes it even comes true! But honestly I need help with that question 2! so i guess i wasn't that much of help haha.

  5. You have a healthy mind

  6. Well, you want love to come unexpectedly.. Or mabey once in awhile to be suprised with what life gives instead of a routine?

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