
Dreams about school? I keep having weird dreams about school....?

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I have beeen having REALLY weird dreams about school... I do miss school and that's what I think it means, but I am not really sure....

All my dreams about school have either freaked me out or made me scared...

I had one that my whole entire grade and side went back to my school where I had kindergarten. Two of our teachers were there. One of them was acting completly retarded and the other's daughter was there and she was acting weird. In the dream we had these things called think.coms and one of our teachers who was acting retarded started hopping around and she yelled at my friends "MICHELE AND GABI LOOK AT MY THINK.COM!!! ITS SOOO MUCH BETTER THAN YOURS!!!" and my other teachers daughter was chasing my ex and throwing things at him...

Then my teacher who was acting retarded was chucking things at people from a hamock.....

Please tell me the real reason ive been having these crazy dreams!




  1. There's nothing to worry. I agree with you. I think it's only because you miss your school and it's mixed with your fantasies of your dream. You'll get over it soon enough beacuse....... summmer rocks!!!!!

  2. Id say your dream isnt exactly weird its juss a lil strange.... 3 things to look for in dream

    First the location

    being ur old school is probably due to two things

    i. Its a common and ordinary location you've spent time at in real life ( u prob have dreams where ur at home/mall/ other familiar locations)

    ii.  you may be missing certain things from ur old school

    The 2nd thing to look at is the characters in ur dream

    - school friends

    - past teachers and their daughters

    - ex boyfriend

    The last thing to look at is the main actions in ur dream

    -  teachers acting strange

    - competitive attitude of teacher

    -  teachers daughter chasing ur ex

    So from this I would conclude that it seems as if u miss sum things about ur old school (friends, teachers), and that uve been thinking about ur ex (doesnt matter if its the one that appeared in ur dream) in a competitive way.

    As for the teachers acting strange, to me i think thats normal for dreams.

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