
Dreams and what they mean.?

by  |  earlier

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It started when I was 9 and this dream. It was insane. It kept on coming back, it was a nightmare, but the dream itself wasn't a nightmare. I kept on having this dream, and all i remember clearly is that i had this dream once in a while, but it was a consecutive dream, as in during this period of time, i kept on having it. So its like this: Im at my house, waiting at the bus stop with a bunch of other kids (thats waht happens in RL) but those kids aren't there. Its just me, adn then suddenly, a metro bus appears, i get on, and have a tour of the city to places i've never been. Its like its happened before in a previous life. Its just me, and being that young, im scared to death, but somethin pushes me on. Then the tour is done, I come back to my house, and everything is different. WHen i left my house, it was normal, then i came back and its totally different.

The weird thing is, that the dream showed me the future. I now live in the world of my dream!

What does this all mean?




  1. Dreams preceed plans & implementation. You just had to figure out what you wanted & used dreams to do it. Congratulations. Would it have happened sooner with more certaninty if you had done some wide-awake planning?

  2. ...that you've accurately followed your own path?

    if you believe in destiny, fate, or pre-determination, you have apparently fulfilled certain parts of your contract.  Keep up the good work!

  3. Dreams are our way of figuring things out that we can't or don't figure out in waking life. You have obviously used dreams your whole life to help you on to the next part of your life. Seeing things in dreams that come to pass in real life also can mean that these are your desires and so in a way,you make them come true by doing these dream things. De ja vous is usually something that we have encountered in real life but our conscious mind didn't remember it but our subconscious mind did.

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