
Dreams and what they trigger?

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Lately I've been having a dreams where there are times I'm watching myself try to make it to the top of this clock tower (the best comparison I can give is getting to the clock tower on the Majora's Mask Zelda game) among other ones where I'm sinking in dark water and I look upwards as I lay lifeless.

But in these dreams in particular I see people who I know in my dream, but are complete strangers to me when I think about it after waking up. Then I end up meeting someone strangely similar. Or I'll be somewhere and it's a trigger that I've been part of a dream or a dream of a dream. I've also been able to hold conversations with people in my dream...and strangely in my dream I realize that I'm genuinely sleeping and as the thought dawns on me, I wake up.

Does anyone experience this sort of de ja vu after certain dreams? Has anyone else been able to harness the power of experiencing impossibilities in their dreams? What's happened to you?




  1. Happens to lots of people.

    Although this dream simply means that you are trying to the top but it will take time. As for that water ..... Even in the darkest or the worst of times You will manage to stay above everything else even after you are out of fuel.

    It seems you have control over a dream. This is called lucid dreaming. Very hard for some people to master. Takes lots of practice. Other people don't have to try and just have it.

    Ok, next thing. there are 2 types of dreams. Message dreams and meaning dreams. By their name you should know what they mean.

    Next thing, More of a chance this wasn't a dream. More like a vision. Here is the difference. Dreams you sorta see threw your eyes and experience everything threw your eyes and never see your face or yourself. Visions are the opposite You see yourself do stuff.

    This doesn't mean that visions are 100 percent likely to be exactly the same.

    Hope this helps.

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