
Dreams interpretation, both arms got cut off fighting with old enemy?

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This was the worst nightmare I've had in a while if not the worst i've ever had in my life. If I remember correctly I was fighting with an old enemy (an enemy I had from like 6-7 years ago) and we were fighting with some of those grim reaper sword things just not as long. I ended up chopping both his arms off than I remember dodging a bunch of swings and then out of no where BAM I get both my arms chopped off at the same time and I remember my enemy picking up his arms some how and me trying to figure out how to pick up mine. He gets his reattached, and then I'm waiting for mine to be reattached and hoping everythings gonna be aright and back to normal and than pretty much the dream ends.

It was really scary, I thought I was really gonna have to live my life without my arms and then when I wake up I feel so grateful to have them.

Does anybody know what this means?




  1. God is showing you if you have unforgivness it will destroy you.(death) If you forgive your enemy you will find life.

  2. I think it means that you think he is doing fine now but you are still dealing with the consequences of being enemies with him and you feel helpless to change it.

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